Worksheets that will test how carefully primary, elementary, middle school, and high school students read directions.

Students often do not follow directions or even read them for that matter. This reminds me of a teacher I worked with back several years. She was so fed up with students not reading directions that she decided to make a power move that will last with those students forever and probably till this day still sits with them. What she did is give a test that was a significant portion of their grade. In the second line of the directions she wrote that if you only wrote your name and the date and handed in the tests immediately, you would be given a one hundred percent. Guess how many students got a one hundred? None of them, but they will remember that forever. Follow directions to the letter often helps us be more efficient and make certain things are done properly. This is a skill that many people just don't take the time to realize is a huge issue for the current generation of students. Every notice how even video games don't come with instructions anymore? When toy companies realize that instructions are not what there customers value, it confirms it as more factual.

The answers to almost all of these worksheets are simple and not time consuming at all. We recommend that you visit these worksheets many times throughout the course of the school year. It will truly help your students grow not only as students, but as responsible citizens. The worksheets that are featured here will encourage students to be more diligent when they are reading directions and pace themselves to follow them as indicated. We break the level of tasks down by grade level this is due to the expected skills required to accurately gauge the skills of the students. I won’t recommend jumping up in level too much as the reading and writing skills that are required are much different.

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Following Directions Worksheets

Click the buttons to be transported to all the pages for that grade level. They are ordered by school year.

Primary Level Worksheet

Primary Level

For the younger students. In most cases we target non-readers, but there are plenty of sheets for readers as well. Students should be to understand the concept of directions and start to make their way on to following them.

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Elementary Worksheet

Elementary Level

Students should have a good handle on reading and be able to follow directions independently. Basic math fact skills are necessary for some of the sheets found at the bottom of that topics page.

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Middle School Worksheet

Middle School

Middle level students are the most notorious non-direction reading age level. I would hammer them with these sheets throughout the school year. We had a teacher tells us that they add one of these to all their major tests throughout the school year.

High School Worksheet

High School Worksheets

I like to leave one of these with my substitute teachers, every single time I am out. I like to make it extra credit through the school year too.

How to Make Sure Students Are Following Instructions

For a teacher, it is imperative to get your point across the table to your students. Some teachers get pretty anxious when students do not follow their instructions, confusing both parties but causing trouble only for the teacher responsible. Nor does the teacher understand how to make herself more straightforward, nor do the students make an effort to ask questions.

Students usually run away from the hard stuff, and teaching them using complex methods, can exacerbate the situation as it becomes impossible to penetrate their minds. Due to this barrier, students find it easier to disturb the class decorum by not following what they are asked to do.

If your pesky students are stressing you and you don't know how to get students to listen and follow your instructions, you are in the right place to look for answers. We bring you the Dos and Don'ts in a classroom that you can follow to maintain your power over the students.

Ways To Manage Your Classroom

1. Use your hand gestures while giving the instructions, such as signaling towards the door to order someone to go.

2. Use an appropriate voice and look in their eyes when you ask them to do something. You cannot expect a student to listen if you have nervousness in your tone or are looking elsewhere while talking to them.

3. Make them redo their mistakes. Instead of just issuing warnings or detentions, you must ask them to rectify their mistakes by doing it right this time. For example, you asked the class to stay in their seats and not create a ruckus in your absence, but the classroom is in shambles when you get back. Then, it would be best to ask the students to clean it by themselves instead of calling any helper.

4. Instead of asking "any questions?" you should ask questions to which the students must answer. This would engage them in the lecture, and they will also be able to analyze the topic they just heard. Prompting questions can be: "what is your opinion about the theme that the author uses?" or, "Can you highlight the difference between the concepts from the last lecture to today's?"

5. Give a time limit to get the amount of work done. If you don't give timeframes for any assignment or solve a sample question, students become relaxed and do not submit work on time. This only delays your work and spoils your effort.

6. Use attention getters to start a lesson. Usually, students cannot concentrate on a topic if it's boring, or they feel lethargic (mainly after recess). It would help if you created catchy introductions for such topics to get undivided attention from students.

7. "3 Before Me" rule. Instead of replying to all the repeated queries about the lecture from each student, you can ask them to use the "3 Before Me" rule, i.e., to ask three other classmates for answers before bringing it up to you. It will also save your time, as you will get feedback about changing your strategy for the topic.

8. Do not hold grudges. Even if they are troublemakers making your job a lot more complicated, you must not hold grudges against the students. The students are the teacher's responsibility and even if they do things to get a reaction out of you, just let it slide. Look for solutions instead of arguing or lowering the grades.

The only way to manage a classroom efficiently is to abide by these rules and consistently work on them. It will bear fruit in no time.