Since our website has become pretty popular we are constantly receiving email asking us what web sites we recommend. Here are a few sites you will want to check out. Some of them do have minor cost associated with them, but you can be sure they are worth your time and definitely the money. Here are the sites we like in no particular order at all.
Math Worksheets Land - https://www.mathworksheetsland.com
If you are working on Common Core Math this is the place for you. Every standard is covered. They even have tests and anwser keys.
Design Your Homeschool - https://www.design-your-homeschool.com
A site that can help any family that is considering homeschooling their child to create a detailed plan to ensure success.
ESL Kids Download - https://www.eslkidsdownload.com/
This site offers a wide range of learning materials for English as a Second Language learners. They have really good phonics materials.
Little Worksheets - http://www.littleworksheets.com
All of our Preschool and primary teachers rave about this one. The name says it all elementary and younger.
Terri's Kids - http://www.terriskids.com/
Elegant christening gowns, including one-of-a-kind, with matching bootees (booties), christening rompers, christening capes; knitted christening gowns, designer styling and boutique quality baby and children's sweater sets, buntings, dresses, personalized baby clothes, and preemie clothes.
The MathLinks network - https://mathslinks.net/
If you are involved in educating anyone in math, you will want to stop by. It's packed with great resources.