These worksheets contain a number of different activities using a dedicated set of vocabulary words related to the Earth Day celebration, including word search, fill in the blanks, scrambled words, word wall flash cards, acrostic poems, crossword puzzles, and more. The collection also includes six different packs of Bingo cards, which can be used during discussions of the topics. Last but not least, a KWHL (know, what, how, learn) diagram is included to help students pick a topic to explore in more depth. Note: Each short reading assignment has two answer worksheets, consisting of both multiple choice and short-answer segments. The instructor may choose which to use.
Print Earth Day Worksheets
Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key.
![The History Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/1.gif)
The History Behind the Third Rock from the Sun
Where did the Earth come from? Scientists have some ideas about how it was formed. They believe that the planet was completely molten material when it started on the road to being a planet billions of years ago.
![Multiple Choice Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/3.gif)
Multiple Choice Questions
For the above "The History Behind the Third Rock from the Sun" reading passage.
![What Is Global Warming? Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/8.gif)
What Is Global Warming?
Everyone knows that the temperature on Earth changes with the seasons and this is normal because the planet is tilted on its axis and it revolves around the sun.
![Multiple Choice Questions Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/10.gif)
What Is Global Warming? Multiple Choice Questions
Right now, what is happening to the temperature on earth?
![Short Answer Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/12.gif)
What Is Global Warming? Short Answer Questions
The earth's temperature has changed many times over billions of years. What caused scientists to be concerned about global warming right now?
![Reading Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/15.gif)
What Is the Greenhouse Effect?
Split apart the word "greenhouse" and you get two words: "green" and "house." No, we're not talking about a cottage somewhere that’s painted green on the outside; that's for fairy tales!
![Multiple Choice Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/17.gif)
What Is the Greenhouse Effect? Multiple Choice Questions
Which of the following are examples of greenhouse gases? A basic scientific principle is that warm air in a room.
![Greenhouse Effect Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/19.gif)
What Is the Greenhouse Effect? Short Answer Questions
What do you think would happen to it if there was an increased amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?
![History Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/22.gif)
The History of Earth Day
The very first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970 and concerned people consider this day to be the start of the environmental movement. Environmentalists are people who care about it and preserving a clean world for everyone to live in.
![Short Answer Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/24a.gif)
![Multiple Choice Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/24.gif)
The History of Earth Day Multiple Choice Questions
Before people were concerned about preserving the environment, industries polluted everything.
![Kids Can Help Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/26.gif)
Even Kids Can Help the Earth!
The Earth has been around for millions of years, always changing. Volcanoes erupt and make new islands; the crust shifts and moves the continents around; or a major storm like a hurricane can change a landscape in just a few hours.
![Even Kids Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/28.gif)
Even Kids Can Help! Multiple Choice Questions
What symbol gives you recycling information about a plastic container? What number inside the symbol means the container is recyclable?
![Short Answer Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/30.gif)
Even Kids Can Help! Short Answer Questions
Write a paragraph about how carrying all the water you use would change how much water you consume. Look up the Dust Bowl that occurred in the United States in the 1930s. Write a short report about what caused the Dust Bowl.
![Mother Earth Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/33.gif)
Who Knew Mother Earth Has So Many Problems?
If you watch nature documentaries sometimes there will be a program about how the elephants in Africa can destroy their habitat. Humans are much smaller than the mighty elephants but we also destroy the environment and damage it in more ways than any other creature.
![Multiple Choice Question Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/35.gif)
Who Knew Mother Earth Has So Many Problems? Multiple Choice Questions
Normal climate change means changes in temperature due lots of things.
![Short Answer Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/37.gif)
Who Knew Mother Earth Has So Many Problems? Short Answer Questions
Do you think city planners should continue to allow urban sprawl or should they encourage high-rise buildings? Research how and why the South American rainforest is being destroyed. Write a short report to summarize your findings.
![Recycling Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/40.gif)
Recycling Can Help the Earth
You've probably heard the slogan "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" that reminds everyone to conserve the earth's natural resources. Reduce means to use less of the earth's natural resources.
![Help Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/42.gif)
Recycling Can Help Multiple Choice Questions
What can people do to reduce the amount of waste going to the landfills? You know that a plastic container can be recycled by looking at the number inside what symbol on the bottom of the container?
![Short Answer Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/44.gif)
Recycling Can Help Short Answer Questions
Describe some of the places where you find containers for collecting items that can be recycled.
![Solar Power Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/47.gif)
Solar Power: Using the Sun to Help the Earth
Does your pet cat or dog enjoy taking a nap in the sun coming through a window in your house? If you touch your pet's fur that's been in the sun, it is toasty warm. P
![Multiple Choice Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/49.gif)
Solar Power: Using the Sun to Help Multiple Choice Questions
If you leave the windows closed, your car warms up inside if you park it in the sun. You see a house with solar collectors on the roof.
![Solar Power Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/51.gif)
Solar Power: Using the Sun to Help Short Answer Questions
Some places on earth are better suited to use solar power than others. Sandy beaches get hot in the summer. Explain what kind of solar heating system this is.
![Breeze Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/54.gif)
Wind Power: How a Breeze Can Change Everything
The wind is a natural force of the Earth and humans have been harnessing the wind for thousands of years. One of the oldest applications of wind power is using sails on ships.
![Wind Power Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/56.gif)
Wind Power: How a Breeze Can Change Everything Multiple Choice Questions
Modern windmills found on wind farms today are called turbines. Yeah, it's a spelling thing!
![Short Answer Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/58.gif)
Wind Power: How a Breeze Can Change Everything Short Answer Questions
Wind farms occupy a lot of land and Americans are complaining that acres of wind turbines are unsightly. On the other hand, wind farms do not create any pollution. Pick one side of this debate and write an editorial defending your position.
![Alphabetic Order Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/61.gif)
Earth Day: Alphabetic Order
Arrange the words (pollution, equator, harmful, consume, extinction, oceans, wildlife, energy, recycle, drought ) in alphabetic order on the lines.
![Crossword Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/64.gif)
![Missing Letters Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/67.gif)
![Visual Addition Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/70.gif)
![Visual Subtraction Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/73.gif)
![Word Chop Worksheets](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/76.gif)
![Word Scramble Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/79.gif)
![Word Search Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/82.gif)
![Poem Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/85.gif)
![Oceans Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/87.gif)
![Recycle Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/89.gif)
![We Have Clean Water Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/91.gif)
We Have Clean Water - Why Doesn't Everyone?
At home, at school, in public restrooms – just about everywhere in the United States, turn on a faucet and clear water with no smell comes flowing out.
![Multiple Choice Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/93.gif)
Multiple Choice Questions
About how many people in the world don’t have clean water? People in undeveloped countries don’t have clean water.
![Short Answer Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/95.gif)
Short Answer Questions
Select a disease that can be spread through unclean drinking water. Write a short report that describes the symptoms of the disease and how it can be treated.
![Bingo Card #1](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/98.gif)
![Bingo Card #2](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/100.gif)
![Bingo Card #3](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/102.gif)
![Bingo Card #4](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/104.gif)
![Bingo Card #5](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/106.gif)
![Bingo Card #6](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/108.gif)
![KWL Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/110.gif)
![Maze Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/112.gif)
![Word Wall Worksheet](../pages/pdf/holidays/earthday/114.gif)
What is Earth Day?
Do you know the name of the planet we live on? That's right! We live on the planet Earth, the third planet from the Sun. So, are you every aware that every year, there is an event to honor our beautiful planet? Let's find out what the day is all about and how it started! Each year on the 22nd of April, all of us celebrate a day that is meant to honor our dear planet, and it is referred to as Earth Day. As a matter of fact, it was first observed in 1970, when a movement was started by some people to bring the deteriorating situation of the Earth under everyone's notice. The idea of celebrating Earth Day was given by the bright, Senator Nelson, a junior senator from Wisconsin during the time when in 1969, there was a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. He presented the idea so as to give back plants and flowers to planet and minimize gas use to protect the environment. He wanted to make sure that even the students participated, so the chosen day became April 22nd, a weekday to ensure maximum participation by students. Since then, all of us celebrate Earth Day every year!
The Origin of Earth Day
Did you know that 51 years ago, industries were permitted to legally blast deadly black clouds from smokestacks and dump hazardous waste into nearby waters? Yes, we're talking about the time when the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), didn't even exist. However, in April 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin shifted with his proposal for the first Earth Day, a grassroots campaign to improve environmental awareness—and the rest is history.
How It All Started...
In the 1960s, there were only a few environmental regulations to safeguard air and water, and the Environmental Protection Agency had yet to be founded. Industries were dumping poison into the environment without any concern about legal ramifications. The air and water were excessively polluted, which appeared to be the norm.
In addition, the Vietnam War was raging, and college students and members of the counterculture throughout the United States demonstrated their opposition to it on a national scale. The good news is that a few people were actively involved in promoting environmental conservation. Gaylord Nelson, known as the "Father of Earth Day," was one of them. Founder Nelson Mandela had a concept that has blossomed into an annual global celebration of the environment.
Nelson served two terms as Governor of Wisconsin, and it was during his time in office that he established his environmental legacy and gained the title of "the Conservation Governor." Later, he was elected to the United States Senate in 1962, where he spent the next 18 years working to bring environmental problems to the forefront of national debate.
From Idea to Implementation
Sen. Nelson was impressed by the effectiveness of anti-war "teach-ins" in rallying college students to oppose the Vietnam War in the 1960s, and he introduced legislation to make them legal. The Senator hoped to harness the momentum generated by the anti-war movement to improve public awareness of environmental challenges in the United States. Nelson concocted a "national teach-in on the environment" to bring these concerns to national attention and onto the political agenda.
He called on Americans to gather for the following spring for a day dedicated to the environmental crisis in a speech delivered in September 1969. When Nelson proposed his concept, it was welcomed with tremendous excitement, to the point that he had to form a new organization, Environmental Teach-In, Inc., to assist people in preparing for the countrywide event.
As a national organizer for the teach-in, Nelson recruited Denis Hayes, a former intern, who grew his team to 85 people to promote events around the country. He also organized a steering group composed of academics, environmentalists, scientists, and students, while convincing Republican Congressman Pete McCloskey to serve as co-chair of the committee.
Senator Gaylord Nelson's Statement
Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin introduced the notion of Earth Day at a meeting in Seattle in the autumn of 1969, and he encouraged the whole country to participate in the event. Nelson said of his ambition for a large-scale, grassroots environmental action, "I wanted to shake up the political elite and drive this issue onto the national agenda."
According to him, "the news was picked up by wire services from coast to coast in subsequent years. It took off like gangbusters. As expected, it went off like a rocket. Telegrams, letters, and phone queries flooded the office from around the nation. For the first time, the people of America had a venue to voice their worry about what was happening to the air, rivers, land, and—and they did it with a dazzling display of enthusiasm."
The Final Cut
Gaylord Nelson passed away in July 2005, yet his legacy continues to exist. Research shows that over a billion people throughout the globe participate in Earth Day celebrations today. Considering today's political environment, we must be even more attentive than we have been in the past. Now that you know the history behind Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 every year, let's keep this momentum going! So, what are you doing to make the Earth a better place? Comment down below.