These worksheets contain a number of different activities using a dedicated set of vocabulary words related to the Easter season, including word search, fill in the blanks, scrambled words, word wall flash cards, acrostic poems, crossword puzzles, and more. The collection also includes six different packs of Bingo cards, which can be used during discussions of the topics. Last but not least, a KWHL (know, what, how, learn) diagram is included to help students pick a topic to explore in more depth. Easter is one of those holidays that jump all around the calendar. We start these worksheets off with a lot of English Language Arts topics. We then shift gears to puzzles that are based on math and basic content knowledge.
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The History of Easter Baskets
The history of these baskets goes back to ancient farmers. Since making a living depended on their livestock and crops, the spring equinox was an important time in ancient cultures.

The History of Baskets Questions
Which cultures carried seedlings to temples in baskets to be blessed?

Parts of Speech
Color the pronouns blue. Color the verbs orange. Color the articles green. Color the nouns red. Color the adjectives yellow. Color the adverbs purple.

Writing a Descriptive Paragraph
Pretend you are the Easter bunny. What would you put into the perfect basket?

Missing Letters
jellybean,bonnet, daffodil, commemorate, bunny, tradition, decorate, egg, chocolate, basket

What is Easter?
We all love candies, right? And bunnies too! Well, we celebrate a holiday that includes both candies and bunnies. Do you know what it is? Let's take a look! The holiday is known as Easter, Pascha, or Resurrection Day. But why resurrection? The festival commemorates Jesus' resurrection from the dead, described in the New Testament. The Friday that comes before Easter is known as Good Friday. It marks the day when Jesus was crucified in the Cavalry. Every year, this holiday moves around the calendar. It can occur any day between 22nd March till 25th April. But the day is always a Sunday. For the celebrations, people visit the church, after which family reunions are held over meals. Some people even travel to visit their families and relatives. Besides religious traditions, secular traditions are also observed, such as the Egg hunt. As heard and written in traditions, the Easter bunny hides the chocolates for the kids to find! Kids search for eggs outdoor, and whatever they find is kept in their basket. One of the most important tradition is the Easter Basket with chocolate bunnies, painting hard-boiled eggs, and Lilly flowers. A large parade also takes place every year in New York. Happy Easter, kids!
The History of Easter
Although the historical background of Easter Sunday is well-known to everybody (Jesus' resurrection), many people are less aware of the roots of the rituals that surround the occasion. What is the history behind the name Easter? Why do eggs represent the holiday? Why was it rejected as a pagan festival by the founding Puritans? If you want to find answers to all these questions and more, stay with us till the end.
The Origin of Pagan Roots
The origin of Easter may be traced back to ancient times, not long after the worldwide Flood conveyed in Genesis 6-9. Nimrod, Noah's grandson, had turned away from the God of his grandfather and had become a despotic king in his own right. According to the biblical story, Nimrod reigned as king and established Babel, Nineveh, Asshur, Calla, and other towns, all of which were infamous for promoting unimaginable depravity and perversion via their lifestyles.
When he died, Queen Semiramis, Nimrod's wife, revered him as the Sun-god, also known as the Life-Giver, to honor him. Later, he would be referred to as Baal. Anyone who adhered to the religion that Semiramis established in his honor would be referred to as Baal worshipers-later connected with idolatry, human sacrifice, and demon worship.
The birth of Semiramis' illegitimate son, Tammuz, is credited with the beginning of Easter. Semiramis managed to persuade the populace that Tammuz was truly Nimrod reincarnated somehow. Given that people had been searching for the promised savior from the beginning of time (see Genesis 3:15),
Semiramis successfully convinced them that Tammuz was that savior, even convincing them that he had been born miraculously. Soon after, the people began to worship Semiramis and Tammuz (or Nimrod reincarnated), who was previously honored as a fertility goddess. She has been referred to in various civilizations as Ashtar, Ishtar, and, yes, even Easter.
Later, a springtime rite was introduced by Semiramis in the aftermath of the death of Tammuz, believed to have been slain by a wild boar. Tammuz is said to have been "resurrected" in the shape of the new flora that sprouted on the land due to the force of his mother's tears. Apparently, it was at the city of Babel that the people built a tower to challenge the will of God.
Until that point, all people on the planet communicated in the same language. According to Genesis 11:7, God was prompted to confound their languages to prevent them from becoming even more united in their mistaken ideas due to the construction of the tower. During their migrations to other regions, many people brought their pagan beliefs and traditions with them.
The roots of current traditions such as the Easter Bunny and the Easter egg may be traced back to the rites instituted by Semiramis and his disciples. Rabbits have traditionally been associated with fertility because of their propensity for procreation and profusion. Ancient Babylonians believed that an egg fell from heaven into the Euphrates River from which Queen Astarte (Easter) was "hatched."
Resurrection Day for Christians
For Christians, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which occurred around 2,000 years ago, are the source of the holiday's inception. According to the Gospel stories, Jesus Christ, the genuine Messiah foretold in the Old Testament, was killed and raised during the Jewish Passover celebration. Since that momentous day, individuals who believe that Christ is their Messiah have commemorated the occasion by regularly celebrating it with the traditional Passover meal.
As the Gospel of Christ scattered throughout non-Jewish nations, among individuals who had no earlier tradition of honoring the Passover, the pagan rituals of Easter gradually became integrated into what the Christian church came to refer to as "Resurrection Day," or the celebration of Christ's resurrection. It is as ancient as Israel itself that people have made trade-offs between God's commands and the comforts of the modern world.
According to American history, Easter was rejected as a pagan festival by the nation's founding Puritans and did not become extensively recognized until shortly after the Civil War, when the country's population began to grow. People interested in a Christian perspective on American history and the steady erosion of America's Biblical basis may find publications such as The Light and the Glory by Peter Marshall and David Manuel to be of interest.
The Final Cut
The origin of the term Easter, derived from the German word Ostern is pretty complicated. However, now you know that in the 18th century, the Venerable Bede suggested that the name came from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon fertility goddess. Here's a quick Easter fact: did you know the eggs are dyed to represent the blood of Jesus Christ?