Explore the origins and significance of President's Day with these themed activity worksheets.

What is President's Day? We all love holidays, don't we? A day off from work or school is something that we all look forward to. Just like how we wait in February for the three-day weekend! We enjoy the holidays, but there is an important history behind it! A government holiday that is celebrated in the United States on the third Monday of February each year is known as President's Day. Let us tell you something very interesting. The real name for President's Day is actually for Washington's Birthday. America's first president, George Washington, was born on February 22nd in 1732. He spent his life serving his country. So when he passed away in 1799, February 22ndbecame an important day to honor his life and work. But the holiday didn't become official till 1879 when President Rutherford B. Hayes signed into law. The day was then announced a federal holiday for celebrating an individual person. We celebrate many federal holidays, such as Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's. So which one is your favorite?

These worksheets contain a number of different activities using a dedicated set of vocabulary words related to the President's Day observance, including word search, fill in the blanks, scrambled words, word wall flash cards, acrostic poems, crossword puzzles, and more. The collection also includes six different packs of Bingo cards, which can be used during discussions of the topics. Last but not least, a KWHL (know, what, how, learn) diagram is included to help students pick a topic to explore in more depth. This is a purely American holiday that is always observed on the third Monday of the month of February. It originally started as a celebration of George Washington's life and quickly transitioned to observing the contributions of all the President's.

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Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key.

Founding Fathers Worksheet

Founding Fathers True or False

Read each sentence. If it is true, circle the check mark. If it is false, circle the X.

Washington Monument Worksheet

The Washington Monument

The Washington Monument stands on the National Mall in Washington D.C. It is one of the most well-known and recognizable of our national monuments.

Be President Worksheet

How Long Can You Be President?

Have you ever wondered why there is a limit to how long a person can be president? George Washington was elected president without anyone competition in 1788 and 1792, and he probably would have been elected again in 1796, if he hadn't decided that two four-year terms were enough.

John Adams Worksheet

John Adams

Though he was our second president of the United States, John Adams always thought of himself as a farmer. He was born on a farm in 1735.

True or False Worksheet

Adams True or False

Did Adams had a long and happy marriage?

Quotations Worksheet

Presidential Quotations

Match each quotation to the president who said it.

Presidency Worksheet

The Power of the Presidency

Think about the quotation. What does Lincoln mean? What insight does this give you into the kind of man who is best suited to be president?

Who Am I? Worksheet

Who Am I?

Look at each caricature. Do you recognize the president? Write his name on the line.

If I Were President. Worksheet

If I Were President...

What changes would you make in the country if you were the president? Write the news story, and draw your picture on the front page of the paper.

First Ten Presidents Word Scramble Worksheet

First Ten Presidents Word Scramble

Unscramble the letters to find the names of the first ten presidents. Write their names correctly on the lines.

Abraham Lincoln Worksheet

Abraham Lincoln

Match each term with its description of the many accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln.

George Washington Worksheet

George Washington

Match each term with its description of all the things that Great George got after.

Key Accomplishments Worksheet

Key Presidential Accomplishments

Match each key accomplishment to the president who was responsible for it.


Currency and Coins

Some of our former presidents are featured on U.S. bills and on the faces of coins. Match the name of the president with the currency or coin that features his image.

Petition Worksheet

The Little People's Petition

Nearly two years before slavery was officially abolished in the United States, a group of school children in Massachussets wrote to President Lincon to ask that he free all slaves under the age of 18.

Thomas Jefferson Worksheet

Thomas Jefferson

Match each term with its description of things that are fully related to the life of Jefferson.

Word Search Worksheet

Word Search

The vocabulary words include: Debate, Executive, Honest, Incumbent, Poll, Portrait, Primary, Veto, Leader, Lobby, Nation, Platform

Visual Crossword Worksheet

Visual Crossword

What are the President's Last Names? They are not in order of any kind.

Word Chop Worksheet

Word Chop

The consonant pairing might throw you for a loop. Start by looking for portions that make the most sense for you task.

Word Scramble Worksheet

Word Scramble

Piece those words around that are all related to the White House.

Missing Letters Worksheet

Missing Letters

Don't think that the middle word is "Execution". Can't tell you how many times I have seen that.

Alphabetic Worksheet

Alphabetic Order

The letter "v" always throws off these guys. Start with what you you know to be the top and the bottom.

Maze Worksheet

Washington Maze

Help young Washington find the cherry tree forest. It may take some effort on your part.

Bingo Card #1

Bingo Card #1

Kids love playing Bingo in large groups.

Bingo Card #2

Bingo Card #2

Why not try to say the definition and have the students determine the word.

Bingo Card #3

Bingo Card #3

Cool idea #3 we should all try the Antonym challenge. Instead of saying the word, name an antonym of the word.

Bingo Card #4

Bingo Card #4

You can do exactly what we just said, but name synonyms instead.

Bingo Card #5

Bingo Card #5

The last sets of words in the select series.

#Bingo Card #6

Bingo Card # 6

Why not make this more challenging as you move?

Names Word Wall Worksheet

Names Word Wall

President #1 - President #23

Last Name Word Wall

Last Name Word Wall

Pres. 24 - 43

Leader Poem Worksheet

Leader Poem

What are the characteristics of an excellent leader? It may take a good deal of thought to put this together.

Memoria Worksheet

Memorial Poem

There are many different types of memorials. We are obviously focusing on Lincoln here.

POTUS Worksheet


Do you know what POTUS means?

KWHL Worksheet


What we know today about president's is so shaped for us by the news media.

How to Teach Students About U.S. Presidents

Learning about the nation's history can be boring for many kids, but only if teachers aren't creative. President's Day can be a good opportunity to learn more about Lincoln and Washington, but the U.S. has a long line of presidents. You can use other opportunities and activities to teach your classroom about presidents and their contributions.

If you are wondering how to teach students about US presidents, you can try out these activities.

Puppetry with Presidents

You don't have to get too complicated with the puppets. You can get a print of the president's head and stick it on a popsicle stick. You can ask the students to write a fun script about a theme or concept from the American history of a president. They can learn more about slavery and the Constitution, or even center the script around dinner parties at the White House.

They can learn more about presidents while mapping a story and designing plots. They can learn more story writing skills and storytelling while learning.

Baseball Cards of Presidents

Baseball cards are used to show off statistics related to a player's career. You can design baseball cards for presidents that showcase their accomplishments and achievements year by year. You can include political affiliation and biographical information. All you need to do is write down presidential information with a photo.

Campaign Posters

All presidents ran campaigns as a candidate since it has been part of the American tradition for around a century. You can get your students to research the issues that the nation was facing at their time and create campaigns for assigned candidates. Let them imagine how old presidents would campaign in modern society using new tactics, mottos, slogans, and campaign ads.


You can assign each student a different president and make them an “expert” on them. You can put together a great class of five students coming in to speak about the president every day. This can help them learn more about each president.


Each kid can get a list of 24 presidents and tell them to fill out a bingo card one at a time. Make sure to tell them to free up the middle space. You can start the bingo game by reading a description of each president. Students can check off what president they think you are talking about. The student who gets a row of presidents first wins the Bingo!

Presidential Quizzes

There are some worksheets that you can create to quiz the students. However, we all know how students feel about quizzes. So, you can try and make them fun by incorporating rewards for whoever gets the most answers. Prizes can make the students more excited.

Presidential Movies

There are a lot of movies based on the life and work of different presidents. You can learn more by watching Presidential Facts, The American Presidents, and more. There are many presidential libraries on YouTube that you can put on. Some Hollywood films can also be a great option. 1776 is all about the founding fathers when they were fighting against the UK for independence. John Adams by HBO offers many interesting stories about his life. Thirteen Days also offers great insight into the Cuban Missile Crisis.

There are many fun ways to approach teaching and learning about presidents. Now that you know how to teach students about US presidents, you can try out these methods!