Discover central factors, establish root causes, or begin with a fundamental premise with these blank relationship templates.

Similar to the Relationship Chain Graphic Organizers elsewhere on this site, these blank templates allow you to display the relationships among specified variables with a given root source. Whereas the Relationship Chains excel at showing progressive, A to B to C relationships, the Flower Shaped Graphic Organizers can demonstrate connections among multiple variables-A to B, A to C, and A to E-at the same time. This is especially useful in showing multiple effects from a root cause. Note: These charts make excellent companion sheets when used in conjunction with the Decision Making sheets or the Cause and Effect sheets located elsewhere on this site.

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Printable Flower Shaped Graphic Organizers

Click the buttons to print each organizer.

4 Petal Relation Map

4 Petal Relation Map

A good sheet to use when building arguments with multiple supporting premises.

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5 Petal Map

5 Petal Relation Map

This sheet has five outer petals for larger projects or more complicated data sets.

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6 Petal Map

6 Petal Relation Map

Six petals surround a central core idea, cause, or character. Chart the relationships among many variables.

7 Petal Map

7 Petal Relation Map

This sheet has seven petals around a central space to note relationships in bigger sets of data.

8 Petal Map

8 Petal Relation Map

Use the eight petals surrounding the center space to keep track of multiple variables, effects, or characteristics.

Using a Relationship Diagram

If you're tasked with training your employees or students, it's essential to understand how to teach effectively so that you're able to get the most out of each session. One of the best ways to learn and retain information is by visualizing relationships between different concepts, which you can do using a relationship diagram. This type of diagram allows you to break down key concepts into bite-sized pieces, and it provides an easier way to think about the relationships between different concepts.

What is a Relationship Diagram?

A relationship diagram is an effective way of visualizing any kind of relationship between objects. The model shows how two or more elements are related, making it easier for users to understand information. Relationship diagrams are more fluid in their structure, allowing non-linear and adaptable connections among ideas, making them an ideal tool for learning.

Parts of the Learning Process:

There are many parts that makeup learning. They range from taking in information, assimilating it, recalling it, and having enough time to practice it in order for your brain and memory recall patterns. These parts work together as part of your learning experience. In addition to a visual representation of your knowledge, using relationship diagrams can help you better understand how each piece of information is connected to another piece. This helps to improve your ability to relate one concept or idea with another.

Why Use Relationship Diagrams In Learning?

Relationship diagrams are more engaging than outlines and text. In education, engagement is everything. Our brains process visuals 60,000 faster than text, and we're better able to recall visual information. In fact, someone with perfect eyesight will remember about 10% of what they read after 24 hours; 40% if it's been illustrated.

Relationship diagrams serve as an effective memory aid by translating dry textbook concepts into something more tangible and meaningful—and therefore memorable.

The Three Main Benefits of Using This Method For Learning:

- Using relationship diagrams is an excellent way of focusing your mind on specific concepts. It forces you to think in terms of what has led up to or influenced something or why it may be relevant, and you're studying it.

- It's also an efficient use of time, as it allows you, in most cases, to learn with real context. Instead of blindly memorizing key concepts (such as names, dates, and so on), using a relationship diagram will teach you how they fit into bigger systems, why they matter, and how they affect one another.

- This is a great way for students to study effectively by facilitating increased learning retention and people who want to become more efficient learners.

Example to Show How It Works

Family Relationships:

You can draw a relationship diagram showing how members of your family are related by marriage or birth. Your diagram might include information about who your mother-in-law is (or was) to you, who your children are with regard to various in-laws, and what role your siblings play as in-laws.

This visualization will help you grasp relationships that might be confusing, especially if more than two generations are involved.

Ending Notes:

Using relationship diagrams is a great way to get students involved in learning and retaining material. Relationship diagrams help students visualize connections between information, make them more interested in studying, as well as help them learn better. The use of relationship diagrams can also be used in all subject areas, not just in math and science classes.

Overall, it is recommended that teachers incorporate these diagrams into their lesson plans for more effective learning.