Help your students construct and deliver clear and compelling arguments with these persuasion focused organizers.

In today's world, too many arguments come down to Right vs. Left, Facts vs. Opinions, and other examples of Us vs. Them. The Internet is full of people who present nefarious arguments just for fun, and it's even harder to spot sarcasm than it was when Jonathan Swift wrote his modest proposal. Teach your students to present clear arguments (and avoid rhetoric and talking points) for their positions by using these worksheets. Unless you're a parent, Because I said so! doesn't really make a compelling argument for someone to agree with you. These persuasion based graphic organizers will help you harness your ideas and help you find real reasons to present your case. The goal all along with these is to present your opinion in such a way that it persuades your target audience.

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Printable Persuasion Graphic Organizers

Click the buttons to print each organizer.

2 Reasons - 2 Facts Worksheet

Persuasion Chart 2 Reasons - 2 Facts

This worksheet presents a topic and has space for two reasons for accepting it, each with two facts or examples.

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2 Reasons - 3 Facts Worksheet

Persuasion Chart 2 Reasons - 3 Facts

This builds off of the previous organizer, but focuses more on facts and building on research.

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3 Reasons - 2 Facts Worksheet

Persuasion Organizer with 3 Reasons - 2 Facts

I would use this organizer when you have a great deal of facts to work with. This would be something I would use if I had a good amount of research available to work off of.

3 Reasons - 3 Facts Worksheet

Persuasion Chart 3 Reasons - 3 Facts

This persuasion graphic organizer requires that you have a pile of facts or evidence to work with. You can also create one of these for the counter points to your argument to make sure it is super solid.

How to Outline a Persuasive Argument

A persuasive argument is presented to influence an audience and sway them towards perceiving a concern from a certain point of view. In a persuasive argument, the narrator must gain trust, appeal to the audience emotionally, and support their argument with logical reasoning. The ability to construct and deliver a persuasive argument comes in handy throughout life. Whether you aim to convince your parents to let you stay over at a friend's house or persuade the board of directors in a company to see things your way, a strong persuasive argument will enable you to achieve your goal.

The primary step to constructing a solid persuasive argument is to create an outline. In other words, preparation is key in building a persuasive argument.

Three Primary Elements in a Persuasive Argument

There are several components that combine and contrast to create a persuasive argument, but there are three primary elements that lay the foundation for a persuasive argument.


Ethos, or ethics, is the credibility you establish before an audience to help them develop a trusting relationship with you. To add the element of ethos to your persuasive argument, you must remind your audience of your place in their community. Previous achievements, knowledge, education, and experience help build ethos in a persuasive argument. This empowers you and allows the audience to believe you, listen to you, and let you convince them through your argument.


The emotional appeal you make to your audience is known as pathos. With the help of your argument, you must reach the hearts of your audience and influence their emotions in order to persuade them. Many people think with their hearts, and you can use this to your benefit by creating an emotional bond with your audience, which will motivate them to believe in your message. The second your audience feels emotionally connected to you, they will immediately find reasons to like you, and they will alter their actions to receive the same appreciation in return from you.


Logos is a logical argument that appeals to the reasoning of your audience. A great outline for a persuasive argument always boasts of evidence that supports your argument and forces the audience to consider changing their opinions for you. Even if you fail to appeal to your audience emotionally, or they don't allow you to forge a connection with them, you can always win them over with facts. Facts aren't opinions; nobody can argue against facts, making them an integral part of every persuasive argument.

Steps to Create a Stellar Outline

1. Choose a Topic that Genuinely Interests You and Pick a Side

During a persuasive argument, you need to be emotionally attached, and the audience needs to see the connection you share with your topic. Your persuasive argument should depict the passion and allow the audience to catch a glance at how deeply invested you are in your argument. Remember, nobody will believe in you if you don't believe in yourself.

2. Conduct Research about Your Audience and the Other Side of Your Argument

Before outlining your argument, you need to know who you'll be presenting it to, so you can use the characteristics of your audience to persuade them, for instance, the gender, age, race, and background of the majority of your audience. It is essential to research the other side of your argument and be prepared for potential questions your audience may have with solid answers.

3. Write Down the Main Ideas

It's always a wise idea to write down the main ideas of your persuasive argument before you create the final draft; think of it like mind mapping. Jot down the primary themes, concerns, and facts you will deliver to the audience through your persuasive argument.