Graphic organizers are visual tools that help us better compose our thoughts. Graphic organizers are one of the best tools when it comes to teaching and learning the English Language. They have visual illustrations that allow the children to have a better understanding of the topic they are currently on. It also helps a great deal with vocabulary. These organizers also come in handy when children are learning or participating in small group activities. It gives the students a common ground for sharing their ideas and discussing relevant topics. There are many language arts concepts that can better be understood through the use of graphic organizers. We took a few dozen hours to create a nice helping of organizers for you. If you look below, you find printables that can help you through the most common and frequently used forms of language. Graphic organizers are of various types and work for children of all ages. Depending on your child's needs and age, you can easily adjust the level, problems, and topics. The sheets are broken into three sections. The first section will help you breakdown and analyze the work of others. The second batch of organizers will help you understand stories better. The last batch is helpful when writing, but just don't fit in out writing graphic organizers area.
Printable Language Arts Graphic Organizers
Click the buttons to print each organizer.
Cake Paragraph Format
A tasty way to see if your paragraph was prepared correctly. One of our most popular on the site.
After the Title...
Based on the title, what do you predict will be the plot of the story? This will help you begin to develop predictions skills.
Key Points of the Story
What problem do the characters face and how to they try to resolve it? Plot that all out with this organizer.
Elements of the Story
This will help you make sense of the main action and consequences of any story.
Story Map
A great way to communicate the main stages of a story to others. These can become so helpful, much more so than a book report.
Character Analysis Pyramid
This helps you take an in-depth look at a single character in a body of work.
Basic Reading Response Journal
When I think about what I read, I have this picture in my head. This is where you bring that picture to life for yourself.
Self-Analysis Reading Response Journal
Did you find the story easy or hard to read? What made it easy/hard? In what ways are your experiences similar and/or different to what happened to the characters? What parts of the story did you particularly like? What did you like about them?
Story Comparison Map
Compare two stories side by side. This helps you plot all of the features and where they overlap and go in different directions.
Similarities and Differences Chart
This chart applies to many different things and can be useful in other classes too.
Basic Story Map
As general as it gets. This is the canvas of where you can share the main points of just about any literary work.
Dilemma to Resolution
A much different way of approaching this task of a story map. It offers a great number of details and is very helpful.
Story Circle Summary
This helps students really have a voice about how they felt about a work. It provides them room to explore many possibilities.
Make a simple illustration of what occurs during each part of the story. A great visual to follow when you are discussing the story itself.
Character Attributes Map
What are the qualities that are exhibited by the character? Where do they rise and fall?
Character Traits
If you could discuss events that led to what a character habits and nature are, this would be the one to use.
Supporting Character Analysis Map
A way to evaluate all characters in stride. In some works the supporting characters actually drive the story forward.
Meeting New Vocabulary
Start by meeting the new vocabulary terms. Look it up to understand what it means. Then based on that meaning, use this word in a sentence.
Describing Nouns
Brainstorm adjectives that describe a noun. This will really help make your vocbulary bank much more vibrant.
Fact or Opinion
Use this to evaluate statements and understand the nature of the information that is presented to you..
Umbrella for the Brainstorm
Ideas are just failing from the sky. This can help you start a downpour of new ideas.
Pre-writing Organizer
This is a way to make sure that your writing assignment does exactly what it was intended to do.
Story Writing Plan
Make sure you get everything in that next writing piece of yours. It seems so simple, but I have been using this for my own stories for over a decade now.
Book Report Organizer
A great way to prep for a book report. It helps you cover all the essential features of a work.
My Research Report Organizer
This is kind of a debrief after you write a research report. It will help push you in the right direction.
Persuasive Writing Organizer
Make sure you provide evidence for your work. Your audience will always want the clear facts in order to be persuaded.
What Are Language Arts Graphic Organizers?
Language arts is the art of communicating and deciphering ideas. It is the take in or output of knowledge, for all intents and purposes. This is a pretty general statement, but there are four primary aspects of language. Two of them are for talking in information (listening and reading). When we listen, we take in information by hearing others speak or read aloud. Reading is taking in information was writing for us. We also have great ideas we want to share with others. We share ideas by either speaking or writing.
Graphic organizers give us the ability to draw this information out in a more visually appealing and spatial way. This type of layout has been shown to improve comprehension and engage students to a higher degree. These types of visuals have a huge value to students that learning new vocabulary and trying to understand deep concepts in what they are reading. There were a series of studies in 2016 that revealed evidence that learning vocabulary through the use of concept maps drastically improved student retention and comprehension of these terms that were new to them.
Mastering the art of all four (listening, reading, speaking, and writing) of these methods is the goal of language arts in general. English Language is the second most demanding subject of practice and undivided attention. But children often get bored of looking at the same pages over and over and revising the same things day after day. That is why to make things interesting, graphic organizers should be used.