Find the common characteristics of two or three representative sets with these Venn diagram templates.

What Are Venn Diagrams? Venn diagram is defined as the illustration that utilizes circles to represent the relationship among finite sets of things. The overlapping of these circles shows the common trait among the group of things. However, circles that do not overlap represent the different traits among the groups. Venn diagram is one of the effective ways of visually representing the commonalities and differences among the groups. These illustrations have been in incorporated as the educational tools to teach students about how to identify and separate the similarities and differences. Also, these diagrams have been included as part of the introductory logic curriculum. A Venn diagram can be used to represent the fruits that are red and orange in colors. We will start by drawing two circles with a part of them overlapping each other. In one circle, we will write down the fruits that come in red color, such as apple and cherry. In the second circle, we will write down all the fruits that come in orange color, such as persimmon and tangerine. In the overlapping part, we will have to write the fruits that come in orange and red colors such as pepper and tomato. Following the same criteria, we can find similarities and differences in other groups of things as well.

Help your students learn to define common characteristics or elements within sets by teaching them how to use Venn diagrams. The templates located below offer both two and three intersecting circles, generating between one and four overlapping spaces. Venn diagrams are primarily used in math and science courses, but can also be adapted for vocabulary building, logic, literary critique, project management, company organizational charts, decision making, and more! Tip: Some of the blank templates below offer colored circles. You can use the same color of markers when populating them to visually differentiate your sets.

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Printable Venn Diagrams

Click the buttons to print each organizer.

2 Triple Venn

2 Triple Venn Diagrams

This template offers two Venn diagrams, each with three circles.

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2 Colored Triple Venn Diagram

2 Colored Triple Circle Venn Diagrams

The same layout as in the page above, but each circle is a different color.

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2 Circle Venn Diagram

2 Circle Venn

This page has two copies of the most basic Venn diagram; two overlapping circles.

2 Colored Venns Worksheet

2 Venn Diagrams Right In Color

The same layout as in the page above, but each circle is a different color.

4 Triple Circle Venns

4 Triple Circle Venns

This template offers four Venn diagrams, each with three circles.

4 Full Color Triple Venn Worksheet

4 Full Color Triple Venn Diagrams

The same layout as in the page above, but each circle is a different color.

4 Stacked Venn Diagrams

4 Stacked Venn Diagrams

This page has four copies of the most basic Venn diagram; two overlapping circles.

4 Colored Stacked Worksheet

4 Colored Stacked Venn Diagrams

The same layout as in the page above, but each circle is a different color.

The Standard Venn Diagram

Standard Venn Diagram

One large copy of the standard, two-circle Venn diagram, with space for set labels underneath.

Standard Colored Venn Diagram Venn Diagram

Standard Colored Venn Diagram

The same layout as in the page above, but each circle is a different color.

Standard Colored Venn Diagram

Full Page Triple Venn Diagram

One large copy of a standard three-circle Venn diagram, with space for set labels provided.

Full Page Colored Triple Venn Diagram

Full Page Colored Triple Venn Diagram

The same layout as in the page above, but each circle is a different color.

How to Use Venn Diagrams

A Venn diagram visually represents a relationship between two or more quantities. The diagram acts as a tool to depict the contrast and similarities between objects, ideas, events, people, etc. it helps in arranging larger groups of information in graphical form. Instead of providing long sheets of information, it can make it precise and understandable even to a non-technical person.

How To Use Them in Math Class

A Venn diagram is a component used to represent sets and grouped data. The elements of sets are organized in separate circles. If two or three sets of data have overlapping elements, the same number of rings would be shown as overlapping in a box. The Venn diagram is used in mathematics to visualize unions and intersections of sets or show a subset of a set.

How To Use Them At Work

Applying your skills in Venn diagrams at work can make your life easier. For business owners, teams working on projects, or administrations, Venn diagrams can be your go-to graph to create pieces of information that are streamlined and straightforward.

It can help you identify the expected demands of your customers and lay out the comparison and contrast between the latest tech applications or fashion trends. It can ease your decision-making by giving a visual perspective of what to pick and choose, whether vendors of the raw materials, candidates for a job, or compiling a data survey.

Furthermore, it can give us the results of the potential outcomes of strategies and new procedures implemented.

How to Make a Venn Diagram

Venn diagrams can be made with various things: using a pen and paper, a marker and a board, digital software, or even with two or three hula-hoops. Just follow the basic steps for two sets of data below:

Step 1: Organize your data sets into two categories that you want to compare and contrast. You can take out the same elements of both data

Step 2: Make a circle and mark it as A. Then, make another circle and label it B

Step 3: Now add data of A category into that circle. Then, do the same for B using the other category

Step 4: Finally, if the sets have overlapping data, add that into the space where both the circles combine

There are so many different types of software that is available to quickly arrange the data into a Venn diagram which would take a human longer.

Examples Of Venn Diagrams

A simple example could be comparing the hair color of students in a class. You would need to identify standard colors such as brown, black, and blonde. Then divide students according to their color, e.g., if a student has both black and blonde hair, they will be added to the overlapping of blond and black.

Since there is almost negligible probability of having all three colors on a head, the overlap of three colors will remain empty.

A problematic example can involve the report of a consensus on deciding the place for a holiday trip for a whole office among the three choices. However, you can use software to add this large amount of data and make a Venn diagram.