These worksheets allow students to define the attributes of characters within a story.

Help your students start to understand how authors can make their characters well-rounded and compelling by using these character analysis worksheets. Students will search through the text to find examples of quotes, actions, thoughts, and appearance of the character they are focusing on, and the reactions and discussions of other characters to and about them. They will start to learn how these attributes affect the presentation of the story, as well as shaping the reader’s reactions and expectations. Note: These sheets work very well when used in conjunction with the Story Map Graphic Organizers located elsewhere on this site.

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Printable Character Organizers

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Full Analysis Chart

Character Analysis Chart

This sheet asks students to list the attributes of a specified character within a story.

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Popup Chart

Popup Chart

This sheet has four spaces for specified aspects surrounding the central character listing.

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Evidence Visual Chart

Character Trait Evidence Chart

Students will define character traits by using quotes from the text and offering further expansion.

Circle Map

Character Attribute Circle Map

Students will define character traits using examples of statements and behaviors presented within the story.

Attribute Web

Character Attribute Web

Students will define a particular character using examples of their appearance, attitude, actions, and feelings.

Thoughts Chart

Character Emotions and Thoughts Chart

Students will define a particular character using examples of their behavior, thoughts, fears, and how others treat them.

Important Considerations When Using a Character Analysis Graphic Organizer

When you are using these types of graphic organizers to fully understand the significance of a character there are several things that you will want to make sure that cover and focus a good deal of your attention to. It all starts with determining the type of character you are analyzing.  This will help you understand the complexity of their role within the story.   Ask yourself these questions:

  1. Does the character have complex personality traits or are they simple and predictable?
  2. Does the character endure and prejudice, bias, or fit a stereotype?
  3. How much does the character change throughout the story?

These questions will provide you with a good foundational understanding of the nature of the character.

The next thing you will want to determine is their role within the work. Personalities within most forms of literature fit into one of three different soils. The protagonist is the main character. The antagonist is the cast member or force that is the challenge or an obstacle to the protagonist. At some point the protagonist will more than likely try to overcome or at least avoid the antagonist.  Supporting characters that contrast the attributes of the protagonist are called a foil character.  Foils help draw out the personality and nature of the entire cast of characters. In some narratives the foil can drive the entire plot in a roundabout way.

The most important portion of your graphic organizer is to make sure that you chart the progression or evolution of this character.  This includes what exact challenges that they faced and if they indeed overcome them.  Make certain to chart the achievements and failures on their journey.