File Folders Patterns Activity- Colorful spiders and basic geometric shapes to cut out and match.

Teaching students the concept of patterns and sequences is not an easy task. It one of those things that you can identify, but it is difficult to communicate. Most teachers often do not know where to start with this and they get an idea like wearing striped clothing, but change it up every year. This file folder game start to help students learn the basic concept, but you can move it to new heights pretty easily on your own by adjusting to the likes and dislikes of your classroom. If they like music, teach them patterns through the us of chorus. Help your students explore new musical territory by presenting them with songs of the past and show them how the chorus tends to be a distinct and regular pattern. Chants also come in very handy because a chant is simply a repeated pattern that is very easy to understand and diagnose. Once thing is for sure, kids love money. Why not teach patterns through the use of coins? Have fun with these insect driven file folder games. They should make the concept sink in more for students. Neat fact about spiders, almost every species is near sighted. Most spiders have between six and eight eyes. Usually only two of those are directly to see images, the other eyes help you detect light and shadows.

Eight-legged fun abounds with eight psychedelic spiders to match. Or if creepy bugs aren't your thing, you can always match the patterns of geometric figures in the Ball of Shapes game. As with our other matching games, we recommend laminating each card so they'll last longer. Each game can be set up in a folder or envelope for individual use at a workstation or table, or mounted on a bulletin board for team relays. Caution: Teachers in Australia may want to skip the first pages, because even pictures of spiders Down Under are venomous. Probably.

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Printable Patterns File Folder Games

Click the buttons to print each file folder page.

Crazy Spiders Directions

Page 1 of 5. Cut out the spiders for students to match the colorful patterns.

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Spider Craze 1

Page 2 of 5. Four funky spiders to be matched with those from the "Outlined Spider Set" page.

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Fuller Spider Set

Page 3 of 5. Four more abstract arachnids, to be matched with the identical pictures on the "Last of the Spiders" page.

Outlined Spider Set

Page 4 of 5. Contains the matching pictures for the "Spider Craze 1" page.

Last of the Spiders

Page 5 of 5. Contains the matching pictures for the "Fuller Spider Set" page.

Ball of Shapes Directions

Page 1 of 5. How to Play: Match the patterns on the circle to square. Place each circle inside square.

Blue Shapes 1

Page 2 of 5. Four circles, each with four shapes in a pattern. To be matched with the squares on the "Filler 1" page.

Blue Shapes 2

Page 3 of 5. Four more shape-ful circles. To be matched with the squares on the "Filler 2" page.

Filler 1

Page 4 of 5. Four squares that contain the matching patterns on the "Blue Shapes 1" page.

Filler 2

Page 5 of 5. Four squares that contain the matching patterns on the "Blue Shapes 2" page.