Water is essential for all life on this planet. Just fewer than three-quarters of the Earth is covered in water. We commonly think of water as being a liquid that we find in our rivers, streams, and oceans. Water is actually in many places at once. Right now those bodies of water are evaporating into a gas phase as a form of vapor. Plants are giving off lots of water as they undergo the process of photosynthesis and it is evaporating as well. That fluid is being cooled and slowly forming clouds. Once the clouds become heavily filled with water they give off liquid H2O in the form of rain, sleet, or snow. All living things require this compound in order to live. This persistent global progression changes the form that this compound takes on. It transfers between the gaseous and liquid phases through precipitation, condensation, transpiration, and evaporation. Freezing and melting allows the compound to transfer between the solid and liquid phases. Most of these processes occur within oceans and the shore that they come up upon. Extreme weather and wind can also help stir this up. This process also happens in fresh water sources such as lakes and rivers. In fact, evaporation is one of the most influential processes that controls the loss of fresh water on the planet. Only about one-third of our freshwater supply is found below the ground.
The worksheets include atmospheric currents and the movement of water through its various forms. We follow the H2O as the sun heats it and leaves the ground through the process of evaporation and at the same time plants are transpiring as a result of photosynthesis and giving off their own vapor. The H2O rises up and condenses into clouds. The clouds rise and get colder and then rain or snow (precipitation) forms and the water returns to the Earth.