The American Civil War was fought between the northern section of the United States that consisted of twenty-five states and the southern section which consisted of eleven states. The North was referred to as the Union, where the South was referred to as the Confederacy. The four-year war (1861-1865) was the deadliest war in United States history with over six-hundred thousand casualties. This account for a two-percent decrease in the U.S. population, at the time. The source of the conflict that started the war was over the concept of states’ rights. States wanted to be able to set their own laws and political powers. Most southerners wanted to be able to own slaves to work their fields and not have that taken away by the government. The Northerners wanted a more dynamic government that could banish the practice of owning others.
The following collection of worksheets examines significant individuals, events, and reasons behind the American Civil War. Your students will learn about the political stances of the northern and southern states, key battles and extended campaigns, important political decisions, famous speeches and documents, and more. There is even a fascinating worksheet on the different names given to the conflict, and how they reflect the perspectives of the groups using them. Answer keys have been provided. Fun Fact: March 8, 1862 saw the first instance of two ironclad warships meeting in battle - the Monitor and the Merrimack. Tactically, it is considered to be a draw.