In this section you will find worksheets that involve factoring including primes.

Factoring is basically a verb that tells us that we need to find the factors of base of the problem we are presented with. In some cases we will be asked to expand number sets, this is the opposite of factoring. When factoring we are often looking for the highest level of commonality between numbers or number sets. Factoring is a process in which an expression is converted into a multiplication problem to find its factors. Factors are any number or expression that divides another number or expression evenly, with no remainders. Factors help us learn how to quickly divide something evenly. Ever have a situation where you and your friends are starving, and the pizza arrives? You all want as many pieces of pizza as possible, but how do you equitably share all the slices. This is right in factorings wheelhouse. Want to be able to make change quickly and easily, guess what skill comes in handy again? Factoring also helps you quickly compare unit prices and figure the best buy at the supermarket. Although these days the unit price is available in most regions of the world, so the factoring is already done for you.

These worksheets and lessons will help you quickly learn many different applicable skills. Your students will learn the following factoring skills: factoring the difference of perfect squares; factoring expressions and equations; finding factors of numbers; determining least common multiples and greatest common factors; discovering prime factors, the difference between primes and composites; how to rewrite expressions using factoring; determining common factors in binomial and trinomial expressions; how to use properties such as the distributive; applying factoring to real-world problems.

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Factoring Worksheet Categories

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Factors versus Multiples

Factors are the numbers we multiple to get other numbers. Multiplies is the end product of performing multiplication between a number and an integer.

Factors of a Number

Learn the process that you should follow to determine the factors of any value.

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple

When we look at two numbers the highest possible value that is divisible by both numbers is the GCF. When you have two values the smallest positive number that is a multiple of the two values is the LCM.

Prime or Composite Integers

We learn to classify integers. Prime numbers are greater than one and divisible only by itself and one. Numbers that are greater than one and not prime are called composite.

Common Factors in Algebra

We look at quick and easy techniques to find common factors between numbers.

Rewrite by Factoring

This starts to test our algebraic thinking and helps us master basic operations and comparisons.

Factoring Application

Many of the things we learn in this topic relate to financial markets and business math.

Prime Factorization

We learn to locate all the prime numbers that are multiplied together to make a starting value.

Factoring the Difference of Squares

This is a technique that you will use often when working with polynomials. It helps us simplify and perform many different operations.

Factoring Trinomials

It is all about rearranging the expressions to leverage your ability to find unknown variables.

Factoring Polynomials

Break apart the polynomial into smaller parts is always the best spot to start.

Scale Factors

We look at the ratio of corresponding sides in figures and use them to our advantage in real world applications.