A place value is the value of a digit that is located within a number. For whole numbers the place values start with the ones value, then tens, then hundreds, then thousands value. For decimals the place values have no ones place, it starts with the tenths place. From there they have very similar names with a -th- attached to it such as tenths, hundredths, thousandths. Understanding place values is very important since it allows us to understand the meaning of a number and perform operations smoothly. We use something called the base ten numbering method where every integer value at each place can range between zero and nine. Each number position is ten times greater than the number to the right of it. Which is why we call it base ten. If you have a value that goes above nine or below zero while performing operations, the value will be pushed or carried to the next subsequent place (position).
You find that we have seven categories of related topics available at the top of this page. For just basic place value worksheets, just scroll down. We have lessons that cover the ten-thousandths to billions place, so you sure to know your stuff. These worksheets help students practice the names of place values and converting groups of numbers into words and numerals. Students will also convert groups of numbers into words and numerals. Many sheets contain larger numbers.