In this section you will find all of our fraction based worksheets. We have full topic coverage on this subject.

When you need to express a numerical value that is less than one complete unit, we often use fractions. A fraction simply tells you how close to a whole unit you are. The number located on the top is called the numerator it represents the parts of the whole that exist. The bottom number is called the denominator and signifies the whole amount. Fractions are found all over the real world. The U.S. standard of measurement is built on it. If you have a tape measure handy most them are driven off of sixteenths of an inch units. When we cook a recipe you will notice fractional portions used everywhere. With a numerator on top and a denominator on the bottom, fractions are one of three ways we represent numbers that are less than one (the others being decimals and percentages). I find that decimals are the easiest to understand, but others have an affinity for this topic instead.

Fractions are simply division in motion or numbers being broken down into pieces and parts. Something we find very funny is that for hundreds of years the world traded goods and services in the form of fractions. When the stock market came about this followed suite. After just over 100 years, the stock market began to switch trading to dollars and cents. In reality they began trading in decimals. Was fraction based math too hard for us? The worksheets on these pages will teach your students the following fraction skills: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions; working with like and unlike fractions; comparing fractions and decimals; ordering fractions; converting fractions into decimals or mixed numbers; determining the fractions of areas and shapes; working with mixed numbers; manipulating reciprocals; placing fractions on number lines; finding equivalent expressions for fractions; reducing fractions to their lowest terms; and more.

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Fractions Worksheet Categories

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Introduction to Fractions

This is for students who have never seen this topic before.

Parts of Fractions

We work to get students really familiar with what a numerator and denominator actually means and try to help them draw a picture in their heads.

Rewriting Fractions

We learn how to form mixed numbers and simplify values along the way too.

Fraction of Numbers

People that are involved in setting prices and forecasting businesses do this all the time.

Adding Like Fractions

In this case the denominators are stable and all the same.

Adding Unlike Fractions

The denominators are all over the place. This means that you must first find a common denominator before you can find the sum.

Addition of Visual Fractions

This is great for students that are missing the concept.

Add and Subtract Fractions

The denominators may need some love and care before you get off and running with these sums and differences.

Algebraic Fractions

This just means that an unknown variable is present somewhere in the numerator or denominator.

Comparing Fractions and Decimals

We learn how to convert values and put them in the same system to make the comparison.

Comparing Fractions

That old greater than, less than, or equal way of doing things.

Connecting Fractions to Division

This shows you how there is a relationship between the two.

Converting Fractions

We look at how to shuffle between fractional, decimal, and percentage form. We also show you quick calculations that will make it simple for you.

Division of Fractions into Integers

A show you how fractions go into whole numbers.

Dividing Fractions

The process starts by taking the reciprocal of the second value and then multiplying numerators.

Equivalent Fractions

Learn how to spot when two values are equal by simplifying.

Estimating Sums and Differences with Fractions

This comes in super handy in warehouses all over the world.

Fraction Area Model Multiplication

This helps you learn how much space something inhabits.

Fraction Subtraction

We show you how to perform differences with both like and unlike fractions.

Fraction Word Problems

What type of operations will you find in there and what do you do with them?

Mixed Numbers - Addition

This all starts with getting everything in the same form.

Mixed Numbers - Math Operations

We look at how to process all types of different operations with these guys.

Mixed Numbers - Converting Fractions

Learn how to take an improper fraction and convert it to a mixed number.

Mixed Numbers - Dividing

One of the more difficult topics under this skill.

Mixed Numbers- Estimating

We show you how to make pretty accurate guesses and compose your own processes.

Mixed Numbers- Fraction Multiplication

How to multiply fractions and mixed numbers together.

Mixed Numbers - Multiplying

How multiply like and unlike values by using the good old reciprocal.

Mixed Numbers - Writing Reciprocals

Learn how to take a mixed number and write its reciprocal. This is helpful when you start working on the quotients of mixed numbers.

Mixed Numbers - Subtracting

We learn how to find accurate differences between values.

Mixed Numbers - Visual

This is perfect for students that are having struggles with the concept of mixed values.

Multiply Fractions

This is one of those skills that if you are not doing it often, you forget it. To be honest, I had to do a little research before I wrote these worksheets.

One Whole and Its Fractional Parts

A number line is perfect for explaining the concept. We use it to our advantage.

Ordering Decimals and Fractions

Learn how to quickly compare these values and put them in order.

Rationalize Denominators

We realign the root of the fraction to move a root to the top of the fraction.

Ratios and Fractions

The purpose of a ratio is much different even though there is some overlap. We look at the differences.

Reciprocals of Fractions

Learn how to properly form these and solve for them.

Shade and Reduced Fractions

A great way to approach learning how to simplify and reduce values.

Simplifying Fractions

Learn a simple process to break these guys down to their simplest form.

Solving Fractional Equations

We are not just looking for the variable, but we are looking to solve the equations as well.