There are a number of techniques that you can use to improve your ability to recognize patterns in number sequences. Strong recognition skills come from great anticipation skills. You are basically asking yourself what should come next to make that logical. The first thing you can do to improve this is to practice with quick brain games as much as possible. You should make sure that you are just not practicing with numbers, but are using symbols, pictures, and even music. The more you practice, the easier it becomes. Recognizing patterns are the key role of many elite successful people throughout the world. Patterns are not often obvious and easy to identify. It is much easier when we know what we are looking for, but almost impossible when we don’t have a clue that a pattern even exists. Many times patterns will work in a constant 1-2 constraint. A basic example of this would be a pattern that adds a number and then removes a different integer or value. One thing that all patterns have in common is that there is a constant operation or series of operations scattered within the pattern itself.
When we are looking for numeric or qualitative patterns it is often very helpful to look at the first half of values or subjects presented and ask ourselves how they relate to one another. Start with identifying the value between the first value or subject and all the others. Then move on to the second value and rinse and repeat that procedure. The worksheets below will work on identifying patterns within colors, numeric operations, and basic shapes that you are presented with.