These worksheets will teach your students how to determine area and perimeter of different regular and irregular shapes.

These are two measures we will often come across and students will confuse at times. The measure of perimeter is an easier concept for students to grasp. By the time they are learning this measure they have seen either a police or military show or movie where a commander of the scene tells his subordinates to set a perimeter. Meaning for the team to surround the target in question. The same is true with the measure of perimeter it is a measure of distance all the way around an object or shape. We will often it is the sum of the length of all sides of an object, but that only applies to regular shapes. Perimeter is a simple measure to make on all objects. Area is the amount of two-dimensional space taking up by a shape. Area is much more difficult to measure it entirely depends on the type of shape you are working. For example, we measure area of squares and rectangles differently. Area of a square is the length of one side squared, whereas the area rectangle is the product of height and width. To seal this concept, think of a local soccer field that is fenced in. The perimeter is clearly the length of the fence all the way around the field. The area is all the distance left to right and up and down of the field.

Students will spend a good deal of time on learning to determine the area and perimeter of various geometric shapes using the information provided about their lengths, angles, etc. (correct formulas have been provided). In this section we will look at two very important concepts and measures in the world of architecture and engineering. Perimeter is usually defined as the length around a shape. A common everyday measure of our perimeter is our waist. According to Lee Jeans, the average 10 year old boy has 27 inch waist. This means the distance around the average boys' waist is 27 inches or just over 2 ruler sizes. Area is a bit different than perimeter. While perimeter focuses on the outside of a shape, area focuses on what's on the inside of that shape. Since not all shapes are constant, there are different methods for measuring and calculating area of different shapes. The most common measures of area are for squares, rectangles, and triangles. This worksheet section will focus on these shapes. These worksheets and activities will help your students to learn how to understand and determine the height, length, circumference, perimeter, and/or area of various shapes using specific formulas and methods.

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Print Area and Perimeter Worksheets

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Calculating Area

This is a conceptual look at what area is and how to approach measuring it.

Area of Circles

In most cases you just need to determine the measure of the radius. Then you square it and multiply it by pi.

Area of Irregular Shapes

These are two dimensional shapes whose sides do not conform to the standards that we have studied.

Area of a Parallelogram

Similar to our conversation with triangles, finding the measure of height in parallelograms is the biggest test for students. Once you find the height, it is just multiplied by the base of the parallelogram.

Area of Polygons

This section focuses on regular polygons. We look at irregular polygons in our trigonometry section.

Area of Rectangles

We need two measures here the length and the width, just remember those measures are lengths that are connected at a right angle.

Area of Similar Figures

You can use measures from similar figure to find the values of others.

Area of a Trapezoid

In construction this measure is constantly being determined as the project evolves. The measure on these shapes is determined by finding the average of both base lengths and multiplying that by the altitude of the trapezoid.

Area of a Triangle

The hardest thing to do here is to have students learn how to accurately calculate height. We all know the measure is one-half the product of the base and height.

Area, Perimeter and Volume

We throw volume in there with these guys. A nice way to review all three measures at once.

Critical Thinking Problems

All these problems are real world situations where these skills come in very handy.

Multiplication and Area

This shows students how to find that measure when we only have a small amount of information. This is where we start to learn how to infer in math.

Perimeter of Polygons & Circumference of Circles

These two skills are packed in together. They often brush up against one another, so we created a review section.

Triangles - Altitude and Area

We look at the measure from the vertex to the opposite side. We show students how you can find this value inside acute triangles but may have to make the measure outside if the triangle is obtuse.

Area and Perimeter - Meet the Skill

Follow these steps to determine the area and perimeter of the trapezoid shown.

Try the Skill

Observe a full problem as completed and then go after two additional problems.

Practice the Skill

For each, determine the area and perimeter of the shape shown.

Practice the Skill Twice

Breakdown the calculations for area and perimeter on all these problems.

Show the Skill

Crush these eight problems with your knowledge of area and perimeter.

Warm Up

A three and four sided object. Knock it out of the park on these please.

Meet the Skill

Follow the instructions to find the area and perimeter of this shape. First, draw the shape based on the information given. Then solve using the proper formula.

Try the Skill

Draw a square with a perimeter of 8 cm, then find the area of that square.

Practice the Skill

For each problem, decide if you need to know the perimeter, area, or volume in order to answer the question given.

Practice the Skill Twice

For each, draw the shape described, then answer the question.

Area Versus Perimeter - Show the Skill

For each problem, decide if you need to know the perimeter, area, or volume in order to answer the question given.

Warm Up

Draw the shape using the grid that is provided for all three problems.

Perimeter Worksheet

Find the perimeter of each item shown.

Area/Perimeter of Mixed Shapes

Find the area and perimeter for each shape given.

Area/Perimeter of a Parallelogram

Learn how to find the area and perimeter of a parallelogram. Then follow these steps to find the area and perimeter for each parallelogram shown.

Random Area/Perimeter of a Parallelogram

Use the right angle to conform to the measures that are needed.

Colored Version

Got some colored ink or laser, take it to this worksheet.

Rectangles Everywhere

This sheet focuses on determining the measures of rectangles.

Colored Rectangles

The last worksheet in color.

Area/Perimeter of a Square

Find the area and perimeter for each square below using the formula given.

Color me

These rectangles just add a little color to the situation.

Area/Perimeter of a Trapezoid

Find the area and perimeter for each trapezoid shown using the formula given.

Colored Trapezoids

Hit the trapezoids with all you've got.

Triangles Gone Wild.

Find the area and perimeter for each triangle shown using the formula given.

Colored Area/Perimeter of a Triangle

See if you have enough ink or laser toner to get this worksheet out.

Perimeter - Practice the Skill

Find the perimeter for each shape shown using the appropriate formula.

Perimeter - Practice the Skill Twice

For each, find the perimeter based on the information given. Example: Find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle with sides of 20 inches in length.

Perimeter - Show the Skill

Find the perimeter for each shape shown using the appropriate formula.

Word Worksheet

See if you can draw off of the specs. that are provided.

The Concept of Area - Meet the Skill

Draw a parallelogram and a rectangle that both have areas of 10 square units each.

Do Now

Are you ready for this?

Meet it And Beat It.

Can you handle this level of work?

The Concept of Area - Try the Skill

Follow the steps to find the area of the pentagon shown.

The Concept of Area - Practice the Skill

Draw the shapes described in each of the statements described below.

The Concept of Area - Practice the Skill Twice

Find the area of each shape shown.

The Concept of Area - Show the Skill

Draw the shapes described in each of the statements described below.

The Concept of Area - Warm Up

Draw the shapes described in each of the statements described below.