Worksheets that focus on sums between 2 and 3-digit integers.

These worksheets will show you how to add a double- and triple-digit pair of integers together. This addition skill is a jump off point for the jump to large integer addition. It also is the point where students are ready to try their hands at multiplication skills. The worksheets below start with a lesson which flow the students through how to perform this skill. It really boils down to understanding place value concepts. The carrying of digits of digits should have already been covered in double digit addition. As you work your way through all of these worksheets you see that the skill gets easier as you go along. You will also find additional lessons towards the bottom of this page, just scroll down on the side bar or using your mouse. I have no idea why the Do Now is posted at the very bottom of the page, but if you are looking for it that is where you will find it. There is also a quiz and plenty of practice sheets in here as well.

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### Worksheet

Introduction Lesson

We start at the ones place and work towards the hundreds column. This lesson shows you how to carry values to the next available place.

Double and Triple Digit Worksheet 1

Double and Triple Digit Worksheet 1

We introduce a nice mix of high and low place value ends. All of these problems are setup in a top heavy manner to make it easier for students to line them up properly.

Worksheet 2

Worksheet 2

We tried our best to have half of the problems to constantly have a spilling over to the next place value.

Review Worksheet


This worksheet is good for students that have previous experience with this skill. Your given a full played out example that is worked through for you. We finish up with 6 solid problems all that work on this same skill.



We added a scoring key for you at the bottom of the page. This is great to see where your addition skills are at.

Do Now Worksheet

Do Now

This is a worksheet that you want to work on as a class. Usually after students have already had a good amount of practice with two and three integer addition problems.

Basic Lesson

Basic Lesson

This is the foundational lesson for this section. It walks through everything you need to be able to do and explains it out entirely for you. Here is the full walk-through problem: 1. Add the ones column place. 6 + 6 = 12. 2. Rename 12 as 1 + 2 (the 1 is placed over the tens place). 3. Add the tens column place. 5 + 5 + 1 = 11. 4. Rename 11 as 1 and 1(the 1 is placed over the hundreds column). 5. Add the hundreds column place. 2 + 1 = 3.

Practice Worksheet

Practice Worksheet

This is often used as a homework sheet by most teachers because it provides a complete example and two additional problems for students to work out on their own.

Practice the Skill Worksheet

Practice the Skill

The first two problems have a space under the addition sign to give you a chance to make it happen.

Practice the Skill Version 2

Practice the Skill Version 2

You will see a difference in spacing based on the level of the problem. We are still working on the same basic concept here.

Showoff Worksheet

Show the Skill

We provide you with even more practice. Did you get enough of that yet? Here are ten more problems for you to work with.

Mad Minute Worksheet

Mad Minute Worksheet

This allows you to go rapid fire on all the problems that you are given. You can time this and then evaluate what you get right and wrong. This is a good way to assess your ability with this concept.

Warm Up Worksheet

Warm Up Worksheet

Get it all started with more help from your start up worksheet set. This is helpful for teachers when working as a class and introducing or reminding students about this skill.

Lesson # 2

Lesson # 2

We mis-aligned this on purpose to make students have to go the extra mile. See if they can get it done.

Spaced Out Worksheet 1

Spaced Out Worksheet 1

There is plenty of space provided here on this 10-question worksheet. We are working on the same skill of double and triple digit addition.

Spaced Out Worksheet 2

Spaced Out Worksheet 2

Put it all together to make your life easier and get a little math in too. There are no examples to work off on this sheet.

Review Worksheet

Review Worksheet

If you haven't done this topic in a while, this is a good sheet to start with. You will have an example to work off of. You then are given six independent practice problems.

Skills Quiz

Skills Quiz

Why not get it all started and get it going live? Let's see how much you know about this topic. You can take this as a pre-lesson assessment.

Do Now

Do Now!

Great way to start a class after you have seen this type of work before.

How to Add Double and Triple Digit Values

Wondering how to add double and triple digits? People often find this process complicated, but with the proper instructions, it can be easy and straightforward. We will provide a step-by-step guide on how to complete these calculations, as well as practice problems for you to try on your own. So let's get started!

How to Add Double Digits

Start by writing down the numbers you are adding in column form with the one digit on top of the tens digit. For example, if you were adding 17 + 18, you would write it like this:

+ 18

Add the one's digits together and write the answer underneath in the one's column. In our example, that would be 7 + 8 = 15. So we would write 5 under the line:

+ 18

Add the tens digits together and carry over any ten or more significant numbers. In our example, that would be 1+1+1=3. So we would write 3 below the line in the tens column:

+ 18

The final sum is 35.

How to Add Triple-Digit Numbers

Start by writing down the numbers you are adding in column form with the ones digit on top of the tens digit on top of the hundreds digit. For example, if you were adding 110+ 110, you would write it like this:

+ 110

Add the one's digits together and write the answer underneath in the one's column. In our example, that would be 0+0=0. So we would write 0 under the line:

+ 110

Add the tens digits together and carry over any ten or greater numbers. In our example, we don't have any, so 1+1=2. So we would write 2 below the line in the tens column:

+ 110

Since, in our case, there is no carried number, we simply sum the numbers written in the hundreds column. In our example, that would be 1+1=2. So we would write 2 under the line in the hundred's column:

+ 110

The final sum is 220. 

How to Add Three-Digit Numbers Involving Carrying

Start by writing down the numbers you are adding in column form with the ones digit on top of the tens digit on top of the hundreds digit. For example, if you were adding 170+ 280, you would write it like this:

+ 170

Add the one's digits together and write the answer underneath in the one's column. In our example, that would be 0+0=0. So we would write 0 under the line:

+ 170

Add the tens digits together and carry over any ten or greater numbers. In our example, that would be 7+8=15. So we would write 5 below the line in the tens column and carry 1 over to the hundred's column:

+ 170

The carried number is 1; we simply sum the numbers written in the hundreds column and add the carried number with them. In our example, that would be 1+2+1=4. So we would write 4 under the line in the hundred's column:

+ 170

The final sum is 450.

Some Rules To Follow

When doing double or triple-digit addition, always line the digits up on two lines like this:

+ 170

The one's place is on the right, the tens place is in the middle, and the hundreds place is on the left. If there is a number in the one's place, carry over the number to the tens place.

If there is a number in the tens column, carry over the number to the hundreds column. When you add the numbers, put the answer in the one's place as you begin from there.

Final Words

Double and triple-digit addition can be tricky, but you will get the hang of it with practice. Sometimes when you are adding two numbers with many digits, the digits can get mixed up, and you can lose your place. It is helpful to keep a mental picture of where you are in the addition process and check your work as you go along.