In this series of worksheets you add a single digit integer to a double digit integer.

Students will learn how to add one- and two-digit numbers together. This is a vital skill for building a foundation with addition skills. You will find a nice helping of addition worksheets below that can walk students developing this skill. You will find lessons through full on independent practice worksheets. Everything is setup using This skill gives you a great opportunity to work on carrying digits over to other columns. While most students have seen it before it doesn't mean that they by any means have the skill mastered.

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One and Two Digit Addition Lesson

One and Two Digit Addition Lesson

We display and talk you through the process of borrowing in addition.

Practice Worksheet 1

Practice Worksheet 1

All of the problems require to carry the 1 over to the next place value.

Practice Worksheet 2

Practice Worksheet 2

I see more borrowing and carrying in your future.

One and Two Digit Addition Review Sheet

Review Sheet

One problem is fully completed and explained for you. It is followed by 6 more problems for you to love up.

Adding One and Two Digit Numbers Quiz

Adding One and Two Digit Numbers Quiz

A nice simple assessment for you to gauge where you are at with this topic.

Do Now Addition Worksheet

Do Now Addition

Work on this worksheet together, as a class, it will really help you going forward.

Vertical Addition Lesson

Vertical Addition Lesson

Step 1 - A. Add the ones column place. B. 6 + 4 = 10 C. Rename 10 as 1 + 0 (the 1 is placed over the tens column).
Step 2 - A. Add the tens column place. B. 3 + 1 = 4. You have your answer it is 40.

Vertical Addition Example and Practice Worksheet

Vertical Addition Example and Practice Worksheet

To solve this question we follow a two-step process. The third step just names the answer.

Practice the Skill Worksheet

Practice the Skill

You will add these numbers which are aligned vertically for you. Use the double lines to align your answer work through right where you need.

Practice Vertical Adding Worksheet

Practice Vertical Adding

Who doesn't need another round of questions? Here are 10 more problems setup in a vertical fashion for you.

Quick Review Worksheet

Quick Review

This is your time to do a nice solid review for yourself. You will be given 8 problems of adding one and two digit numbers.

Rapid Fire Worksheet

Rapid Fire Worksheet

This is a rapid fire single and double digit addition sheet. There are 25 practice problems for you to cruise with. This can be used as a class competition sheet.

Warm Up Worksheet


This gives students 3 problems to practice with. Some teachers will use this as a classroom introduction to this skill or a quick review. It is up to you.

How to Add Single and Double Digit Numbers

Addition is the first arithmetic expression taught to children and something they will have to use all their lives. The addition is simply counting forward from a specific number. Learning addition can be tricky for some, but if you know the tricks to solve addition problems and practice it enough, you will become a master.

Adding Single Digits

Adding single-digit numbers is a vital but unpracticed skill. Adding single digits involved summing up values below ten. The answer may be in the double digits, but the problems only require adding single-digit numbers. For example, 5 + 3 = 8 or 9 + 7 = 16.

There are many ways that a child learns to add these types of values. These methods include:

  • Using the number line.
  • Counting on their fingers

However, this method is only used at a primary level and becomes confusing when the sum crosses ten. In this case, children often count forwards. For example, to find the sum of 7 + 6, children will start counting from seven and keep counting until they have counted six numbers, reaching thirteen.

However, another method is to break down the addition. A child knows that adding three to seven will give him ten, leaving behind three more to total six. He will first add seven and three to get ten and then add ten and three to get thirteen.

Breaking down addition requires a child to have enough practice with addition to memorize the sum of most single-digit numbers.

Adding Double Digits

Learning how to add single and double-digit numbers is an essential skill. Once the child has mastered adding single-digit values, they must begin to work towards mastering adding double-digit. The addition of double-digit numbers involves summing up values that are higher than ten. To do that, keeping the place values in mind is essential. Two-digit numbers are expressed in place values of ones and tens. The one place values are added together, and the ten place values are added together by arranging the numbers in a column.

Adding Double Digit Numbers with Regrouping

If the one place value numbers sum to form a two-digit number, the one value of the two-digit number is written down while the ten value is carried forward.

For example, for 45 +28. First, we arrange the numbers in a column on ten and one-place values. Then we add the ones 5 + 8 to give us 13. Three is written below the one place value while the one is carried to the tens. When adding the tens, instead of 4 + 2, it becomes 4 + 2 + 1 = 7. So the answer becomes 73.

  tens ones
  4 5
+ 2 8
  7 3

When adding numbers without regrouping, i.e., the sum of the one place values is a single digit number, no digit is carried over, and the sum of the ten place values is conducted similarly to the sum of one place values.

Adding Double Digit Numbers with Decimals

Adding double-digit numbers with decimals is done similarly to adding double-digit numbers without them. The only difference is the decimal place does not move from its position in the column. In this case, the numbers are arranged in three columns, the tens value, the decimal, and the value of the one.

For example, for the sum of 2.6 + 4.8. The one place values are added to give us 14, and the one is carried over to the tens place values, which are then summed 2 + 4 + 1 to give 7. The decimal does not move, and so the answer becomes 7.4.

  tens decimal ones
  2 . 6
+ 4 . 8
  7 . 4


Learning how to add single and double-digit numbers is an essential part of growing up and is something that a child will use throughout his life for daily tasks such as grocery shopping. To become efficient at any mathematical expression, you must practice them continuously.