These worksheets focus on using pictures or figures to learn how to add and/or subtract. Pictures can make a big difference in helping students learn their basic math facts. Each sheet contains a number of different equations for your students to solve. Activities include using pictures as counting tokens and having the students recreate (add) the tokens or cross them out (subtract). We encourage all teachers to use the color version, but we realize that ink cartridges don't grow on trees. These are great for your later Preschool or early Kindergarten students. They are fun and contain some vibrant colors.
Addition and Subtraction Visual Worksheets
Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key.

Add or Cross Out Lesson
Add 3 more circles to the picture given below. Draw circles one by one in 3 steps. Add one circle in each step.

The Square Treatment Worksheet
Add the specified number of squares to the picture given below in each case. Draw circles one by one in steps. As the number specified here is 3, so we have to draw 3 more squares.

Adding Practice Worksheet
All the problems here are addition or determining sums. The goal here is to help students begin to understand the concept of forming a group.

Subtraction Practice
This is all about difference and crossing out what doesn't belong. Have students draw lines in the form of Xs to help them visualize these problems.

Adding Show the Skill
These problems are all about paying attention to details and full along as you move through them. An example is: Add 2 hearts and 1 square. 2 Add 3 lines and 2 arrows. 3 Add 1 diamond and 4 circles. 4 Add 5 stars and 1 triangle.

Classroom Warmup
Get the party started with this one. Students will use their very basic form of these skills to complete these 3 problems.

Mixed Addition and Subtraction Worksheet
You are asked to draw or remove objects in this mix. You are given 3 problems to help you remember the flow of these types of operations.

Add or Subtract Pictures Lesson
You will follow a series of direction to complete these problems. They make for a good introduction to word problems. Herre is an example of what you will do: Add three squares to the picture. Solution: Draw 1 additional square making 4 boxes.

Add or Subtract Pictures Worksheet 1
You are supposed to put your answers in the rectangles to the right. Just read the directions and draw new items or subtract from current items to help you answer these problems.

Worksheet 3
You will need to know your shapes to do this one. A good geometric shapes review sheet for you.

Worksheet 4
The last in this straight series of worksheets. All of them follow the same basic premise.

Review Sheet
You are giving 2 examples and then asked to do 2 yourself. You will cross out items or draw them as needed to solve these addition and subtraction problems.

Review Sheet Page 2
More here for you on the review. This goes right in hand with the review sheet above and the answer key covers both items.

Lets see how they are doing on this content. This will be here to assess your ability to use visuals to help you solve addition and subtraction problems.

Do Now
Use the answer box to your advantage. You will write your answer and compare it to the actual answer.

Visual Addition and Subtraction Lesson
Add the following and write the number inside the boxes provided. + = Count the first group of teddy bears. The first group has 4 teddy bears. Now count the second group of teddy bears. The second group has 1 teddy bear. To find the sum of 4 and 1, count all the teddy bears together. In the above question, the total comes out to be 4 + 1= 5. So we write 5 inside the box.

Practicing Addition and Subtraction
Subtract the following and write the number inside the box on right hand side. - = There are 6 ducks in all. 3 of them are crossed out. We start with 6 and take away 3 from it. To find 6 minus 3, count the ducks that are not crossed out. There are 3 ducks left. So, we write 6 – 3 = 3.

The Sum of It!
Lots of crazy objects here for you to add up. The objects are directly above the numbers that they represent in these addition problems.

Practice with Differences
Same as the last one, but now we are looking for differences. You can cross out objects (minuend) to help you solve all of these problems.

What a Difference!
Subtract the following and circle the correct option. The option for the difference are found in the boxes that follow each problem.

Visual Adding Lesson
Students learn how to count and add together groups of simple pictures. A sample problem is solved.

Visual Adding Practice
Students will review how to count and add together groups of simple pictures. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Visual Adding Worksheet
Students will count and add together groups of simple pictures. Ten problems are provided.

Visual Practice Sheet
Students will count the pictures to do simple addition. Ten problems are provided.

Visual Addition Drills
Students will do simple addition by counting pictures. Eight problems are provided.

Visual Add Warm Up
Students demonstrate skill in simple picture addition. Three problems are provided.
How Visuals Help Us Learn To Add And Subtract?
Do you still recall how your teacher would use examples like showing you three apples, telling you to take away two of them, and then asking how many apples were left?
Students can better comprehend the addition and subtraction concepts crucial for their progress in the subject by employing these kinds of visuals. Teachers have long used visuals to help students comprehend fundamental math concepts. They are also essential for the education of kids with special needs.
So if you are a teacher or a parent trying to help your student or child understand fundamental mathematic concepts, keep on ready to find out the significance of visuals in teaching math and how visuals help us learn to add and subtract.
Why Are Visuals Important In Learning?
Did you know that every student has a different learning style, and according to research, around 65% of students are visual learners? This indicates that a visual representation of a concept must be put in front of 65% of learners for them to understand it.
Furthermore, math can sometimes be a dry subject; this is where visuals come in, as they can make math class more exciting and keep your students engaged. Visual addition and subtraction enable students to catch fundamental concepts more quickly than written or numerical approaches.
Teachers and parents can develop a few fun activities and use unique methods, including visuals, to help students understand addition and subtraction while staying engaged. Here are a few examples of fun visual teaching methods and activities:
- If you teach addition and subtraction to elementary-level classes, a great way to teach addition and subtraction is by using shapes like circles, spheres, or triangles.
- Call students to the board and have them create different shapes that they can count.
- Counting on fingers is also a good way to start.
- Create a group of ten students, remove two, and then ask the class to count how many are left.
- You can also download fun math games at home on your smart devices, and your kids will be learning addition and subtraction skills while having a good time.
- Translate problems into visuals; for example, parrots have two legs; how many legs do two parrots have altogether? The explanation and idea behind the right answer will be much clearer to students if you convert this into a visual problem and eliminate all words.
- For visual learners, particularly those at a tender age, mathematical symbols have relatively little meaning. To aid kids in solving problems, you can use colors in visuals to distinguish between subtraction and addition. For more complex concepts like division and multiplication, issues can also be resolved by underlining every step in a different color.
In schools, words convey ideas, but if we incorporate visuals into our lessons and at home, more students will be able to understand these ideas better. The above visual learning methods can be quite helpful for visual learners and students with learning impairments like dyslexia.
Now that you know how visuals help us learn to add and subtract and how you can become the best math teacher at school, use the methods mentioned above to make your students or kids pros at addition and subtraction. Additionally, the information mentioned above is enough to make teachers and parents understand the importance of visual learning.
Therefore, if you haven't used a visual teaching or learning method before, it may be time to try it and decide whether it works.