These worksheets teach your students how to solve for variables in multiplication and division equations.

The work here concentrates on learning to decipher variables in algebraic expressions that are being multiplied and divided. Equations involve fractions, negative numbers, area and perimeter, and more. We try to pair the product and quotient operations in the use of equations. These are the most common operations taking place within equations. A full mastery of this subject will greatly reward you on future math topics.

The worksheets shown below demonstrate how to write out and solve equations involving multiplication and division with unknown variables.

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Multiplication and Division Equations - Meet the Skill

Learn how to write out and solve equations like the following: The area of a rectangle is 672 m2. If it’s smaller side is of 12 meter long. Find the length of its larger side.

Multiplication and Division Equations - Try the Skill

Learn how to solve the following equation: 6/13y = 30/39

Multiplication and Division Equations - Practice the Skill

Fill in the chart based on the equations provided. Example: For 3/4 and 1/9 find the sum, difference, products, and quotient.

Multiplication and Division Equations - Answer Key

This worksheet is the answer key for the worksheet "Multiplication and Division Equations - Practice the Skill"

Multiplication and Division Equations - Practice the Skill Twice

Solve the following 10 equations. Example: 15y = 13/24

Multiplication and Division Equations - Show the Skill

Write out and solve these 8 problems. Example: Find the perimeter of a square whose side is 15 cm large.

Multiplication and Division Equations - Warm Up

Solve for the variable in the following equations. Example: z/6 = 7/36

Multiplication and Division Equations - Meet the Skill

Tell whether you should multiply both sides by a number or divide both sides by a number so you can isolate x and solve. Example: 9x = 18

Try the Skill

Solve the following problem: Which of the numbers 5, -5, 45 or -45 is a root of the equation x/3= -15?

Practice the Skill

Practice solving these fractional equations. Example: Simplify: 5k/5

Practice the Skill Twice

For each of the following equations, tell whether you should you multiply both sides by a number or divide both sides by a number so that you can isolate x and solve. Example: x ÷ (-10) = 15

Show the Skill

Solve the following equations. Example: Which of the numbers 10, -10, 360 or -360 is a root of the equation 6x = -60?

Warm Up

For each problem, solve. Isolate x on the left side. Example: 5x = -90