These worksheets will teach your students how to use simultaneous expressions to solve for variables.

When you have a set of equations that has two or more unknown variables spread across them that is called a simultaneous equation. You can find the values using one of three methods: elimination- where you outright remove one of the variables. substitution- is basically where you plug in parts of one of the equations into the other. You can also graph each equation and see where the lines intersect. Your students will work through a number of worksheets here to practice finding each variable used within simultaneous expressions. Students will also learn how to properly check their results by plugging their answers back into the equations.

These worksheets demonstrate how to compare the variables in two equations, simplify those equations, and solve for each variable.

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Follow these steps to solve and check this equation: x + y = 4, x - y = 2

Worksheet 1

For each problem, solve for the variables and check your answers. Example: x - 4y = 2 2x + 3y = 2

Worksheet 2

For each problem, solve for the variables and check your answers. Example: 2x - 5y = 7 3x + 2y = 4

Review Sheet

Follow the steps to solve for the variables in the problem given, then check your answers: x + y = 9, x - y = 3

Quiz Sheet

For each problem solve for the variables in the problem given, and then check your answers and record your total score below. Example: x - 5y = 9 4x + y = 8

Do Now

Complete the following problems then put your answer in the "My Answer" box. Example: 5x - 6y = 6 4x + 2y = 4