These worksheets will teach your students how to correctly determine the area of different parallelograms.

A parallelogram is parallel just like the name says. It is a quadrilateral where both sides are parallel. It is the big daddy to the trapezoid which only has one set of parallel sides. There is a big push in architecture to design stackable buildings using the superior strength of supports that are in the shape of a parallelogram. Determining area on these worksheets is pretty simple. You just need to know the base and height of each shape. You take the measure for your base length and multiple it by the measure of length for height to find the area of a parallelogram. In math terms the area = base x height. Remember that you must pay attention to the units of measure as you are multiplying units. So, if you are multiplying measures of length in feet, the unit of the product would square feet.

This set of worksheets tackles determining the area of various parallelograms using the lengths of their sides, height, angles, etc. Included here are several lessons demonstrating how to find the total area of a parallelogram by dividing the parallelogram into basic shapes and finding the area for each. Students will learn how to do this with equations and with a grid. You will be walked through how to find the lengths and then how to process the basic operation to find the area of that there parallelogram. We will advance from easy to more complex problems as you scroll down this page.

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Meet the Skill

Solution: Here Base AB = 8 cm Height BD = 14 cm Area of Parallelogram = Base X Height We put the values of base and height in formula.

Try the Skill

Find the area of a parallelogram. An example is provided and then complete 2 problems for us.

Practice the Skill

A the shapes are twisted and poised around in front formats.

Practice the Skill Twice

Get another go at this one.

Show the Skill

Lets see how you are doing with the determining the area of parallelograms.

Warm Up

This is great to get the topic started.

(Grid Based) - Meet the Skill

Follow the steps to learn how to find the area of a parallelogram using a grid.

(Grid Based) - Try the Skill

Using the grid provided, draw a parallelogram with an area of 10 sq. units.

(Grid Based) - Practice the Skill

For each problem, find the area of the parallelogram given.

(Grid Based) - Practice the Skill Twice

For each problem, draw a parallelogram based on the dimensions given.

(Grid Based) - Show the Skill

For each problem, find the area of the parallelogram given.

(Grid Based) - Warm Up

Use the grid to draw the shapes out.

Meet the Skill

Follow the steps to learn how to find the area of the parallelogram shown using the grid for assistance.

Area of a Parallelogram (Grids) - Try the Skill

Draw a line in the parallelogram so that it forms a right triangle. Imagine moving that triangle to the other side to form a rectangle. Find the area of the rectangle, thereby finding the area of the original parallelogram labeled ‘a’. Each division of the grid is of 1 unit.

Practice the Skill

Use the grid to help find the square units of each shape.

Practice the Skill Twice

New shapes, same grid. You guessed it!

Show the Skill

You have to love this one by now.

Warm Up

The last of the series of worksheets. Finish strong!

Area of a Triangle Parallelogram 1 - Meet the Skill

Find the area of the triangle parallelogram by following the steps in this worksheet.

Area of a Triangle Parallelogram 1 - Try the Skill

Follow these steps to find the area of the triangle as shown.

Practice the Skill

Find the area for each of the parallelograms shown.

Practice the Skill Twice

Find the area for each of the triangles shown.

Show the Skill

Find the area for each of the parallelograms shown and write them in either square millimeters or square inches.

Area of a Triangle Parallelogram 1 - Warm Up

Find the area for each of the triangles shown.

Area of a Parallelogram - Lesson

Follow these steps as shown to learn how to find the area of a parallelogram.

Practice Problems

Two problems to give you an idea how you do with this skill.

Worksheet 1

Ten problems for you to tackle.

Review Sheet

A really good sheet for the end of the year review.


Six problems to get you going on with.


Make sure to label everything properly and carefully.

Do Now

Complete the following problems, then put your answer in the "My Answer" box.

Independent Practice 2

Another version of that worksheet for you.

Intermediate skills: Area of a Parallelogram - Independent Practice 1

We throw a bit more of operations in this version.

Independent Practice 2

This sheet is pretty difficult.

Independent Practice 3

Number 6 is always a pain for most students.