These worksheets will teach your students how to determine area and perimeter of nested rectangles.

This series of worksheets challenges you to draw upon your knowledge of math by not asking for a simple area or perimeter of a whole figure or shape. You are asked to determine those measures of a shape within a shape. We start by using rectangles, because everyone is usually solid working with that shape. We advance in a later section of our algebra sheets working with circles and even ovals. Students that complete these sheets will learn how to determine the area and perimeter of nested rectangles using the information provided about their lengths and angles (we also provide every formula you may need on each sheet).

Use these worksheets to teach your students how to find the area of a space within a shape such as a rectangle within a rectangle. Students will practice using formulas based on the angles and lengths of each of the given shapes.

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Print Area and Perimeter Critical Thinking Problems Worksheets

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Area and Perimeter Critical Thinking Problems - Meet the Skill

Follow these steps to find the area of the shaded figure and perimeter of larger rectangle.

Area and Perimeter Critical Thinking Problems - Try the Skill

Follow these steps to find the area of the shaded figure.

Area and Perimeter Critical Thinking Problems - Practice the Skill

Find the area of the shape specified in each problem.

Area and Perimeter Critical Thinking Problems - Practice the Skill Twice

Find the area of the shape specified in each problem.

Area and Perimeter Critical Thinking Problems - Show the Skill

Find the area of the shape specified in each problem.

Warm Up

Think through these problems before you do any math at all. That is the best approach to this topic.