The following worksheets will teach your students how to add and subtract complex numbers correctly.

When we are working with the operations of complex numbers we will defer to using sum and difference rules. Sums include the use of the addition rule, additive identity, and additive inverse. In any of those cases, the first thing you should do is combine all the like terms that you see. When trying to assess differences it gets a little easier, you just need to use the subtraction rule. The goal with this set of worksheets is to correctly add and subtract complex numbers by applying the proper formula in order to balance the given equations.

These worksheets and lessons will help your students to understand the concept of complex numbers and absolute values by practicing addition and subtraction problems involving equations of this type.

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Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers - Lesson

Learn how to add or subtract complex numbers. Solve following the steps shown, then express the result in m + ni form. Example: (4 + 2i) + (3 - i)

Worksheet 1

Solve each complex number equation, then express the result in m + ni form. Example: (4 + 2i) + (3 - 4i)

Worksheet 2

Solve each complex number equation, then express the result in m + ni form. Example: (4 - √-9) - (2 - √-49)

Review Sheet

Review the steps to find the absolute value for an equation with complex numbers. Example: (3 + 2i) + (2 + 2i)

Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers - Quiz

For each problem, find the absolute value and express the result in m + ni form. Then check your answers and record your total score below. Example: Find the sum 4 - 6i and 7 - 6i subtract 7 - 6i from it.

Do Now

Complete the following problems, then put your answer in the "My Answer" box. Example: (5 - √-9) - (4 - √-25)

Lesson 2

Learn how to add or subtract complex numbers. Solve following the steps shown, then express the result in a + bi form. Example: (4 + 2i) + (3 - i)

Worksheet 3

Solve the problems, then express the result in a + bi form. Example: (4 + 2i) + (3 - 4i)

Worksheet 4

Solve the problems, then express the result in a + bi form. Example: (5 + 4i) - (5 - 2i)

Review Sheets

Follow the steps to review the process for adding and subtracting complex numbers. Express the result in a + bi form. Example: (3 + 2i) + (2 + 2i)

Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers - Quiz 2

For each problem, solve, Then check your answers and record your total score below. Example: (4 + 2i) + (5 - 2i)

Do Now

Complete the following problems, then put your answer in the "My Answer" box. Example: (1 + 3i) + (6 - 3i)