The following worksheets will help your students practice their counting by completing a number line.

Developing a sense for numbers when we are young is really helpful for making quick progressions in math. The most common difficulty that students have is not having a full understanding of what a number represents. A great way to help students learn this is to have them associate integers with numbers of items in a group. This can be presented in a very fun manner and actually be enjoyable for students and teachers. In addition to this concept, the foundation of counting relies on students understanding that the count is stable when we count forward. The order of the digits does not change. Another area of difficulty for some students comes up when we have them count the number of objects in a group. Sometimes students think that if the count objects from a different direction, it changes the values. This is rare, but I have seen more than a half dozen students have this difficulty in my career. This is probably the page that all first-time counters need to start with. The worksheets provide the students with detailed sequences that are very concrete in nature. If students start with these counting sequences they will quickly be able to follow how sequences work.

The concept that is continual reviewed is this section focuses on stable regular progressions from number to number. This acts as a good lead activity to performing addition operations. These lessons and activities will help your students learn and practice counting by looking at a sequence of numbers and determining which numbers are missing in the set. Students will fill in the blanks to practice the skill. This is a solid review section for kindergarteners that should have this skill mastered before grade school sets in.

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Print Number Sequencing Worksheets

Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key.

Number Sequencing - Meet the Skill

Follow along with these steps and fill in the missing number in the sequence.

Practice the Skill

A nice assortment of colors are working here.

Try the Skill

This can get blurring with all the shapes.

Practice Sheet

Fill in the numbers in each row to complete this worksheet.

Counting Cups

Finish off all the sequences you can find.

Warm Up

Get you fingers a moving on this worksheet.

Sequence- Meet the Skill

A super simple walk through lesson.

Try the Skill

Use the problems that is given as a guide to complete the other 2 problems.

Practice the Skill Twice

For each number pair or triplet, add the missing number.

Sequence - Show the Skill

Fill in what ever is missing.

Warm Up

What comes after, before and even in between?

Sequence Numbers 10 to 100 - Meet the Skill

Follow along with these steps and fill in the missing number in the sequence.

Try the Skill

Follow along with these steps and fill in the missing number in the sequence. Then complete the practice sequences below.

Practice the Skill

These sequences are between double and triple digits.

Practice the Skill Twice

Fix this one up nice.

Show the Skill

See if you can finish this one within 3 minutes.

Warm Up

Use this worksheet as a class, for sure.

Number Sequences 1 to 20 Worksheet 1

For each, count forward or backward in order to fill in the missing numbers.

Worksheet 2

Finish off all of the sequences that are presented to you.

Number Sequences by Fives

For each number sequence, fill in the missing numbers by counting forward by 5's.

Number Sequences by Tens

For each number sequence, fill in the missing numbers by counting forward by 10's.

What is Number Sequencing?

You have seen railway tracks, haven't you? Remember how they are so methodically placed after one and another? And they never overlap, right? This placement, an order with no interlays, is known as a sequence.

Similar to that, in mathematics, there is a whole technique that is known as a number sequence. This concept is often used to help us solve problem where values are missing from a line. As you get more practice with this skill, it becomes much easier. Just like when you used to play hangman!

So, how do you understand what number comes after which? It is relatively simple! You need to make sure that first, you read the number line carefully, and figure out the pattern that the sequence has used. Once you have understood what pattern is being used, it becomes easier. For example, if you know that the sequence is using the five times table, you can quickly fill in the gaps. But if you don't know what value has to come next, take a look at the integers that have been provided and carefully try to figure out what number comes before. Repeat the number lines in your head. Then look at the question again.
Start taking the missing blanks one by one; you will solve easily!