The following worksheets will help your students add decimals with values in the thousandths place.

In this section we are looking at what most would consider deep place values. Finding the value of sums that only include tenths and hundredths values are enough of a task for students. When you extend that one more value, they often get lost and get frustrated easily. The best advice that we can give is to make sure that the problems you are working with are written large enough that you can clearer make out each place value. It is often helpful to note each place value and how it changes throughout the problem. The most common error that we come across is the position of the decimal point. This is where right-justifying your whole numbers and left-justifying your decimal values can come in handy. This really tells you where the decimal place should end up. The best habit to get into is to make sure that your do not ignore the placement of the decimal.

These worksheets show the problems as vertical addition. This really helps students get a handle on where each place holder is located. We would even recommend that you have your students take it even a step further and have them label the: tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places. The introduction or review sheet can be found at the bottom of this page. Numbers may contain either four or five digits, including those after the decimal. These worksheets explain how to add decimals to the thousandths. They include problems with addends having both single and double digits and decimals are to the thousandths.

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How To Add Decimals to the Thousandths

This worksheet provides step-by-step instructions on how to add two decimals to the thousandths. A sample problem is solved as an example.

Adding Decimals to the Thousandths

This worksheet provides the step-by-step solution to a sample problem. Two problems are provided for students to solve.

Addition Problems: Decimals to the Thousandths

Students can practice decimal addition skills by solving these 10 problems. Decimals are to the thousandths.

Adding Larger Numbers with Decimals

This worksheet provides slightly more complex addition problems, with larger whole numbers. Decimals are to the thousandths.

Decimal Addition

This worksheet provides an assortment of moderate and slightly more complex decimal addition problems. Problems include addends with both single and double digits and decimals are to the thousandths.

Adding Large Decimal Numbers

This worksheet provides three decimal addition problems. Addends are double digits with decimals to the thousandths.