The following worksheets will help your students convert the values of decimals, percentages, and fractions.

This section of worksheets will show you how to make all the conversions between these three formats. To go from a fraction to a decimal just divide the denominator into the numerator. Fraction to percentage, just multiply by one-hundred and reduce it from there. The tricky one is decimal to fraction because you need to be able to name the terminating place value and then just divide by the max of that value. Moving percentage values to decimal format is the easiest, just move the decimal point two places to the left. Percentages to fractions are pretty easy too, just place it over one-hundred and reduce it, if needed. As students make their way up to the middle school math ranks learning to convert values between their decimal, fraction, and percentage form is a must. After a good practice session moving between the three formats will be a breeze, but we suggest you start with fractional form. From fractions it is an easy move to percentages and decimals alike.

We will show you a number of different ways to go about each step of conversion. As you progress, you will realize that you are more comfortable with one form of number notation than the other. For most students it is decimal format, but that is not always the case. Which ever format you prefer, do not be afraid to take an extra step to check your work. We cover this skill both mathematically and visually to help all learners in preferred method of format. The worksheets below will offer single format conversion as well as a full review where you given the value in the form of a decimal, fraction, or percentage and you are asked to convert that value into the other two forms. Students will also be asked to reduce resulting fractions where applicable. These worksheets explain how to convert numbers between decimals, fractions, and percentages.

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Convert Decimals to Fractions Lesson

Students will learn how to convert a decimal to a fraction and reduce it to its lowest terms. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Decimals to Fractions Review and Lesson

This worksheet reviews how to convert a decimal to a fraction and reduce it to its lowest terms. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Complete the Conversion Chart

Students will convert each decimal to a fraction and reduce to its lowest terms. They will then convert the decimal to a percentage.

Converting Decimals Worksheet

Students will convert the given decimals to fractions and to percentages. Ten problems are provided.

More Practice

Ten problems are given. Students will fill in the chart by converting decimals to fractions and percentages.

Warm Up

Students convert decimals to both fractions and percentages. Three problems are provided.

Review and Practice

A sample problem demonstrates how to convert decimals to fractions and then to percentages. Two practice problems are included.

Decimal Conversion Worksheet

Students will convert the decimals provided to both fractions and percentages.

Mastering Decimal Conversion

Students will practice converting decimals to both fractions and percentages. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

Students will review how to convert decimals to fractions and then to percentages. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Decimal Conversion Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency converting decimals to fractions and then percentages. Ten problems are provided.

Decimals to Fractions and Percentages Quick Check

Students convert three decimals into fractions. Then they will convert them to percentages.

Converting Fractions Lesson

This worksheet reviews how to convert a fraction to a decimal and a decimal to a percentage. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Converting Fractions Worksheet

Students will convert the given fractions to decimals and to percentages. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Sheet

Ten problems are given. Students will fill in the chart by converting fractions to decimals and to percentages.

Converting Fractions to Decimals and Percentages Review

Students will review how to convert fractions to decimals and then to percentages. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Fractions to Decimals and Percentages Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency converting fractions to decimals and then to percentages.

Quick Check

Students convert three fractions into decimals. Then they will convert them to percentages.

Converting Numbers Using Visual Representation Lesson

Students will write the decimal and the fraction that describe the picture. A sample problem is solved.

Number Conversion Using Visual Representation

Students will write the decimal and the fraction that describe the picture.

Writing Decimals and Fractions to Describe Pictures

Students will write the decimals and the fractions or mixed numbers that the pictures illustrate. Ten problems are provided.

Describing Pictures with Numbers

Students will write decimals and fractions to describe each picture. Ten problems are provided.

Describe the Picture - Fractions and Mixed Numbers

Students will study each picture and write the decimals and fractions that describe it. Eight problems are presented.

Fraction, Mixed Number, and Decimal Warm Up

Students write the fraction, mixed number, or decimal that describes each picture.

Decimals to Percentages Worksheet

Students will convert the given decimals to percentages. Eighteen problems are provided.

Practice Converting Decimals to Percentages

Eighteen decimals are provided. Students will convert each decimal to a percentage.

Decimals to Fractions - Fill in the Missing Part

Students will change each decimal to a fraction by choosing the correct numerator or denominator. Twenty problems are provided.

Converting Decimals to Fractions Worksheet

Students will determine the missing numerator or denominator to change each decimal into a fraction. Twenty problems are provided.

Complete the Fraction

Twenty incomplete equations are provided. Students will complete each equation by filling in the correct numerator or denominator.

Converting Simple Decimals to Simple Fractions

Students will convert simple decimals to fractions. Twenty problems are provided.

Completing Simple Fractions Worksheet

Students will determine the correct fractional representation for each given decimal and fill in the blank. Twenty problems are included.

Decimal to Fraction Practice

Students will determine the correct fraction to match the decimal provided and fill in the missing part. Twenty problems are provided.

Converting More Complex Decimals to Fractions

Twenty more complex problems are presented. Students will determine the correct fraction to match the decimal provided and fill in the missing part.

Decimal Conversion Drill

Students will choose the correct numerator or denominator to convert the given decimal into a fraction.

Decimals to Fractions - More Practice

Students will convert each decimal to a fraction and complete the fraction by filling in the blank numerator or denominator.

Repeating Decimals Lesson

Students will learn to convert repeating decimals to fractions. A sample problem is solved.

Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers

Students will learn how to divide a decimal by a whole number. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are included.

Dividing Decimals Worksheet

Students will solve ten division problems. All problems either have a repeating pattern or the decimal terminates.

Repeating Patterns/Decimal Terminates Worksheet

Students will solve division problems that have either repeating patterns or decimal terminates.

Simple Decimal Division

Students will solve eight simple division problems. The answer will be written as both a decimal and a fraction.

Repeating Patterns/Decimal Terminates Warm Up

Students will solve division problems that have either repeating patterns or decimal terminates.