These worksheets will introduce your students to the laws of exponents in division and multiplication.

As we advance further into algebra, we will often need to combine like terms to help us simply equations and expressions. In many cases you will need to combine terms that contain an exponent. This is normally pretty easy, but where it gets tricky is when we are required to multiply and divide exponents. If both values contain a common base it is pretty simple. If you need to multiply these values, just add the exponents. If you need to divide these values, just find the difference between the exponents. As you move on to advanced forms of math, we will show you what to do when the terms do not share a common base. It is a bit more complicated, but very workable.

This section of our website contains a series of lessons and practice worksheets that really hone in on how to perform the product and quotient operations between exponents that contain the same base variable. The product operation of exponents with the same base is a complete cinch, just find the sum of the exponents and do not change the base at all. When it comes to the quotient, following the same playbook just find the difference between the exponents. Work that is provided on these worksheets will give students practice with dividing and multiplying equations that contain exponential numbers. These worksheets explain how to multiply and divide exponents, as well as how to consolidate exponents that have the same base in order to simplify the expression.

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Multiplying Exponents: Same Base

This worksheet explains how to multiply exponents with the same base. A sample problem is solved and a practice problem is provided.

Multiplying and Dividing Exponents

Students will multiply and divide exponents, as well as express whole numbers in exponential form. Ten problems are provided.

Practice with Exponents

Students will solve each problem and express the answer as an exponent. Ten problems are provided.

Exponents with the Same Base

This worksheet explains how to multiply exponents with the same base by solving a sample problem. Six practice problems are provided.

Full Content Quiz

Students will demonstrate proficiency in operations with exponents, as well as in expressing whole numbers in exponential form. Ten problems are provided.

Solving Problems with Exponents

Students will solve three problems involving exponents, and write the answers in exponential form. Space is provided to copy down the correct solution when provided.

Dividing Exponents: Same Base

This worksheet explains how to divide exponents with the same base. A step-by-step solution to a sample problem is provided.

Consolidating Exponents

This worksheet explains how to consolidate exponents with the same base. A step-by-step solution to a sample problem and two practice problems are provided.

Expressing Multiplication with Exponents

Students will use variables to translate multiplications problems into expressions with exponents. Ten problems are provided.

Writing Exponents in the Shortest Way: Multiplication

Students are presented with ten multiplication problems; six with numerals and four with variables. In each instance, they must consolidate the variable to express the same value in the shortest way.

Writing Exponents in the Shortest Way: Division

Students are presented with ten division problems; some with numerals and some with variables. In each instance, they must consolidate the variable to express the same value in the shortest way.

Zero as an Exponent

Student will solve three problems. In each problem, zero is one of the exponents.

Overview of Entire Skillset

This worksheet presents the laws for multiplying and dividing exponents in an easy-to-understand chart. Many examples are provided.

Negative Exponents

This worksheet explains how to solve for negative exponents. Two practice problems are provided.

Skill Check: Products and Quotients of Exponents

This worksheet covers multiplication and division problems with both positive and negative exponents. Ten problems are provided.

Multiplication and Division of Exponents with the Same Base

This worksheet covers multiplication and division of exponents with the same base. Students are required to consolidate exponents and express answers in exponential form.

Same Base Exponent Problems

Students will solve multiplication and division problems presented in various ways. Eight problems require answers to be expressed in exponential form.

Skills Warm Up

Three multiplication and division problems are provided. Exponents are both positive and negative.