These worksheets teach your students to determine the sums and products of equations containing roots.

We work on finding the nature of roots of a quadratic equation through this collection of worksheets. The focus of our exploration is on the operations of sums and products that are pretty closely related. The first step is always to determine which variable is found in the within each portion of quadratic equation. This is not difficult if you take your time and focus on each variable. Every rationale quadratic equation has only two roots. These roots are often described as Alpha and Beta. Alpha displayed as an exponent and Beta being attached to lead variable.

These worksheets explain how to find the sums and products of roots, and how to write the quadratic equation for roots. Solutions to sample problems and practice problems are provided.

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Nature of Roots: Sums and Products

This worksheet explains the nature of roots, sums and products. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems provided.

Sums and Products and Writing Quadratic Equations

In these ten practice problems, students must find the sum of the roots and the product of the roots. Some problems require writing the quadratic equation for roots.

Find the Sums and Products

These problems include finding the sums and products of roots and writing the quadratic equation for roots. Ten problems are provided.

Sums and Products Review

A review of how to find the sums and products of roots. Six practice problems are provided.

Sums and Products Quiz

Students will demonstrate proficiency in finding the sums and products of roots and writing the quadratic equation for roots. Ten problems are provided.

Complete the Chart

One problem is provided. Students must write the sum and product of the root and the quadratic equation for the problem.

A Lesson in the Sums and Products of Roots

This worksheet presents and solves a sample problem to explain the nature of roots, sums and products. Students must then find the sum and product of the root of a practice problem.

Sums and Products of Roots Drill

Students will solve ten problems requiring them to find the sums and products of roots, as well as writing quadratic equations.

More Practice: Sums and Products of Roots

For each equation provided, students will find the sums and products of roots. Students also gain practice writing quadratic equations.

Nature of Roots: Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews how to find the sums and products of roots. Six practice problems are provided.

Nature of Roots Quiz: Sums and Products

Students will demonstrate their ability to find the sums and products of roots and write the quadratic equation for roots. Ten problems are provided.

Find the Sum and Product of the Root

A single problem is provided. Students must write the sum and product of the root and the quadratic equation for the problem.