These worksheets teach your students how to compare, evaluate, and solve different equations and expressions.

To learn more about a math statement we often have to simplify or evaluate math expressions. You will need to understand all the terms in an expression to do this. An expression normally consists of two to three parts. The variable is the letter or symbol used to represent an unspecified value. The free form number that is either a negative or positive value is known as the constant. Many times, expressions will also have binomials that contain exponents. In most cases your first item of business is to combine any like terms that may exist. Being able to do this well is the complete key to knocking this one out of the park.

Most of the expressions provide on these worksheets run the expressions through a mathematical system. The values that are fixed and/or shifting within each expression with be positive and negative integers. As students advanced through this section we will introduce fractions to variables to make this just that much more difficult. As you move forward with your math career, you will start to use mathematical expressions to explain or at least figure out things in everyday life. I find myself doing it just to determine the estimated arrival times of flights. These activity sheets will teach your students the differences between expressions and equations, and will show them how to evaluate and solve them. These worksheets explain how to evaluate and simplify expressions using fractions and variables that are included. This section has lessons and plenty of practice problems.

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Evaluating Expressions

This worksheet explains how to evaluate expressions for the given value of a variable. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Practice Worksheet

Solve for the given value of the variable. Ten problems are provided.

More Practice

Given the value of the variable find the end value of each problem. Ten problems are included.

A Nice Review Sheet

A step-by-step review of simplifying expressions. Six practice problems are included.

Warm Up

Students must simplify three expressions. Space is provided to copy the correct answer when provided.

Equation or Expression Lesson

This worksheet explains how to determine if something is an equation or an expression. A sample problem is solved.

Converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit

This worksheet explains how to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Evaluation Worksheet

Students will simplify each expression, and then evaluate it. Ten problems are provided.

Yet More Temp. Practice

Students fill out the table by using the given formula to convert each temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Ten problems are included.

Temperature Drill Worksheet

Students fill out the table by using the given formula to convert each temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Ten problems are included.

Classic Warm Up

Students will write an expression for each given scenario, then find the value. Three problems are provided.

How to Evaluate Expressions

This worksheet explains how to breakdown expressions for the given values of a variables. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Expressions in Geometry

Write an expression for the areas of given square.

Square Worksheet

The above given figure is a square and we know that a square has all the sides of equal length.

Plug and Go Practice

Evaluate these expressions if a = 2, b = 4, and c = 3..

Expressions in Shapes Worksheet

Write an expression for the perimeters of given geometrical shapes, and solve the following.

Solving Expressions Warm Up

Students will solve the expressions for value given for the variable. Three problems are provided.

Rules with Subtraction Lesson

This worksheet explains how to explain whether an equation is true for a given scenario. A sample problem is solved.

Rules with Subtraction Practice

This worksheet simplify and expression involving subtraction. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Rules with Subtraction Worksheet

Students will simplify each expression. Ten problems are provided.

Evaluating and Writing Expressions Worksheet

In the first set of problems, students will determine whether a given expression is true. In the second set, they will write expressions for each given sentence.

Simplifying Simple Expressions Worksheet

Students will simplify the given expressions. Eight problems are provided.

Simplifying Expressions Warm Up

Students will simplify the equations provided. Three problems are provided.

Simplifying Expressions Lesson

This worksheet explains how to simplify simple expressions. A sample problem is solved.

Simplifying Expressions Practice

This worksheet explains how to simplify simple expressions. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Simplifying Expressions Worksheet

Students will simplify each expression. Ten problems are provided.

Simplifying Expressions - A Review

A step-by-step review of how to simplify simple expressions. Six practice problems are included.

Simplifying Expressions - Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency in simplifying expressions. Ten problems are provided.

Simplifying Expressions - Warm Up

Students must simplify three expressions. Space is provided to copy the correct answer when provided.

Simplifying Complex Fraction Expressions Lesson

This worksheet explains how to simplify complex fraction expressions. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Simplifying Complex Fraction Expressions Practice

This worksheet explains how to simplify complex fraction expressions. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Simplifying Complex Fraction Expressions Worksheet

Students will simplify complex fraction expressions. Ten problems are provided.

Simplifying Complex Fraction Expressions - A Review

A step-by-step review of how to simplify complex fraction expressions. Six practice problems are included.

Simplifying Complex Fraction Expressions - Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency in simplifying complex fraction expressions. Ten problems are provided.

Simplifying Complex Fraction Expressions - Warm Up

Students must simplify three complex fraction expressions. Space is provided to copy the correct answer when provided.

Simplifying Expressions with Variables Lesson

This worksheet explains how to simplify equations with variables. A sample problem is solved.

Simplifying Expressions with Variables Review

This worksheet explains how to simplify equations with variables. A step-by-step solution for a sample problem and two practice problems are presented.

Simplifying Expressions with Variables Worksheet

Students will simplify equations with variables. Ten problems are provided.

Simplifying Expressions with Variables Drill

Ten problems are provided. Students will simplify equations with variables.

Simplifying Expressions with Variables Drill

Students will simplify the given expressions that use variables. Eight problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Eight problems will plenty of space to work with.

Simplifying Expressions with Variables Warm Up

Students will simplify equations with variables. Three problems are provided.