These worksheets teach your students how to compare fractions by finding common denominators and equivalents.

How do you compare fractions with symbols? Fractions are numbers that represent a portion of a whole number. There are two different types of fractions and these include proper forms, where the numerators are greater than the denominators and then there are the improper forms where the numerators are smaller than the denominators. The proper form have values between 0 and 1, while the improper form have values greater than 1. While we know what fractions are; we might face some challenges when it comes to comparing them using symbols. Here are some rules that you need to follow; Case 1: When the denominators are same - In this case; The value with the greater numerator is the larger of the two. Case 2: When the denominators are different -You need to convert both fractions into an equivalent form with a common denominator. The larger value is the one with the greater numerator. Case 3: When the numerators are same - In this case, the value with the smaller denominator is the larger fraction.

We cover a huge range of skills on this page. The work starts very basic reminding students the meaning on fractions by using shapes and shading. The next step is to compare the two values you are given. Students often get a little confused with the greater than or less than statements. Here is an easy progression to follow, if the valuesare equal use the equals symbol. If one fraction is smaller than the other, just point your arrow to the smaller value. This will always work and make the process easy for your students. These worksheets explain how to compare both like and unlike fractions. Techniques include using visual representation with both bar charts and pie charts.

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Students will determine which fraction is greater using visual representation. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Fractions with Visual Representation

Students will practice comparing several values using visual representations. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Which is Greater?

Students will compare ten sets of fractions to determine which is greater. Blank circles are provided for students to use visual representation to solve the problems.

Practice Sheet

Students will compare pairs of measures and determine which is greater. Ten problems are provided.

Draw and Compare

Students will use the blank circles provided to draw a representation of each value and then compare each pair. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Warm Up

Students will compare measures to determine which is the largest. Three problems are provided.

Comparisons to the Number One

Students will tell whether each value is less than, greater than, or equal to 1. Nine problems are provided.

Just One

This is mental math, if you are that far ahead with the skill. Check the box that best describes the value.

Using Visual Representation

Students will determine which is greater using bar charts. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Identifying Equivalence

Students will learn how to identify equivalent values. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented and two sample problems are provided.

Using Those Bar Graphs

Students will compare the visual representations of each pair of fractions and determine which is greater. Ten problems are provided.

Writing Equivalent Measures

Students will write two equivalent values for what you are given. Ten problems are provided.

Find the Equivalent Values

You will be left to evaluate a series of values and then manage them to determine an equivalent value. Eight problems are provided.

Skills Warm Up

Students will determine which is greater using bar charts. Three problems are provided.

Visual Representation: Bar Graphs

Students will learn how to use bar graphs to compare fractions. A sample problem is solved.

Finding Equivalence Practice

Students will practice finding equivalent values. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Using Bar Charts

Students will compare the visual representations of ten pairs of values using the bar graphs provided. They will indicate which is greater.

Find Two Equivalent Fractions

Ten values are provided. Students will find and write two equivalent fractions for each.

Warm Up Using Bar Graphs

Three pairs of values are expressed visually using bar charts. Students will indicate which in each pair is the greatest.

How to Compare Fractions with Like Denominators

Students will learn how to compare fractions with like denominators. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Comparing Unlike Fractions with Visual Representation

Students will learn how to compare fractions with unlike denominators using pie charts. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented and two practice problems are included.

Greater Than, Less Than

Students are presented with ten pairs of like fractions. They will compare them and write > or < in the given box.

Up or Down on Fractions with Like Numerators

Students will compare pairs of fractions with like numerators. Ten problems are visually represented using pie charts.

Like Numerators: Which is Greater?

Students will compare ten pairs of fractions with like numerators. For each pair, they will indicate which is greater.

Compare Those Parts

Put a symbol in each box to complete the math sentence properly.

Pie Charts Warm Up

Students will determine which fraction is greater using pie charts. Three problems are provided.