These worksheets teach your students least common multiples, and how to compare fractions and decimals.

How do you order fractions from least to greatest and vice versa? Arrange the accompanying fractions 5/6, 8/9, 2/3 in rising request. First, we discover the L.C.M. of the denominators of the fractions to make the denominators the same. Presently to divide as like fractions isolate the L.C.M. by the denominator of divisions, at that point, duplicate both the numerator and denominator of the fraction with the number get after isolating L.C.M. As in division 5/6, the denominator is 6. Divide 18 ÷ 6 = 3 Presently, duplicate both numerator and denominator by 3 = 5 × 3/6 × 3 = 15/18 Likewise, 8/9 = 8 × 2/9 × 2 = 16/18 (since 18 ÷ 9 = 2) also, 2/3 = 2 × 6/3 × 6 = 12/18 (since 18 ÷ 3 = 6) Presently, we analyze the like fractions 15/18, 16/18 and 12/18 Contrasting numerators, we locate that 16 > 15 > 12 Thusly, 16/18 > 15/18 > 12/18 or then again 8/9 > 5/6 > 2/3 or then again 2/3 < 5/6 < 8/9 The ascending order of the divisions is 2/3, 5/6, 8/9. Descending order: First, we discover the L.C.M. of the denominators of the divisions to make the denominators the same. L.C.M. of 6, 10 and 20 L.C.M. of 6, 10 and 20 = 2 × 5 × 3 × 1 × 2 = 60 5/6 = 5 × 10/6 × 10 = 50/60 (since 60 ÷ 6 = 10) 7/10 = 7 × 6/10 × 6 = 42/60 (since 60 ÷ 10 = 6) 11/20 = 11 × 3/20 × 3 = 33/60 (since 60 ÷ 20 = 3) Presently we analyze the like divisions 50/60, 42/60 and 33/60 Looking at numerators, we locate that 50 > 42 > 33. In this manner, 50/60 > 42/60 > 33/60 or 5/6 > 7/10 > 11/20 The sliding request of the fractions is 5/6, 7/10, 11/20.

We start out the early lesson and guided practice worksheet by doing a simple two-fraction comparison. This reminds students of the fundamental process. From there we go on to compare three fractions and order them from least to greatest. It helps if you get everything in the same denominator and make your comparison from there. We finish off by including a decimal in the sequence. You would be surprised how often this comes up in just about job you end up doing in everyday life. These worksheets explain how to compare and order fractions and decimals. Your students will use these sheets to learn about least common multiples, and how to compare fractions and decimals without converting them to common denominators.

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Ordering Decimals and Fractions Lesson

This worksheet explains how to convert unlike fractions to decimals in order to compare them. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Finding the Least Common Multiple

Students will learn how to find the least common multiple of two mathematical expressions with exponents. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Least Common Multiple Practice

Students will find the least common multiples of three sets of whole numbers. Ten problems are provided.

Compare, then Convert and Compare

Students will first compare pairs of fractions without converting them to equivalent fractions. They will then convert and compare pairs of fractions.

Ordering Fractions

Students will order sets of fractions from smallest to greatest. They will then order different sets of fractions from greatest to smallest.

LCM Warm Up

Students will find the least common multiples of three different mathematical expressions, including expressions with exponents. Three problems are provided.

Ordering Fractions Lesson

This worksheet provides step-by-step instructions on how to compare fractions within a given set. A sample problem is solved.

Ordering Mixed Sets of Numbers

Students will learn how to order a mixed set of numbers (decimals and fractions). A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Least to Greatest

Students will order mixed sets of numbers from the least to the greatest. Ten problems are provided.

Ordering Mixed Sets Practice

Students will order sets of numbers containing both fractions and exponents from the least to the greatest. Ten problems are provided.

Ordering Mixed Number Sets Drill

Students are presented with ten sets of numbers which include both forms. They will order the numbers from least to the greatest.

Skill Warm Up

Students will order mixed sets of values from least to greatest. Three problems are provided.