The following activity sheets will give your students practice in multiplying mixed numbers and fractions.

When we are tasked with finding the product of two fractional values, we can complete this in three steps, sometimes four. I always start these problems by simplifying the fractions that I am starting with. This makes the calculations simpler and I find it just to be quicker to work with. In many cases, the fractions are already in the lowest terms, that negates a step for us. We then multiply the values of the numerators; those are the top numbers. This is followed by multiplying the denominators, the bottom numbers. We then have a new fraction created that we might have to evaluate and simplify, but not always. Just see if a value would divide equally into both the numerator and denominator to check.

We have a ton of worksheets available for this topic. We always try to order the worksheets on a page by most used sheets towards the top and least used towards the bottom. The early worksheets assume that you have some experience with this topic. If this is you or your students first time seeing this topic, just keep scrolling down. We have several lessons that walk you through each step of multiplying fractions with like and/or unlike denominators. These worksheets explain how multiply fractions, mixed fractions, and rational fractions. Students should already know how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions and reduce fractions.

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Print Multiply Fractions Worksheets

Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key.

Fraction Multiplication Worksheet

Students will solve fraction multiplication problems. Fourteen problems are provided.


A nice and well thoght out set of fourteen problems are available on this sheet.


You got the drill by now! A very similar sheet to what we were working on.


Look at the fraction carefully. Multiply numerator and denominator of fractions with each other and simplify.

The Product of Fractions Worksheet

When denominators are not same and fractions are mixed numbers convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions and multiply the numerator and denominator of fractions with each other and simplify.

Extra Practice Sheet

These problems include both fractions and mix numbers in the operations.

The Product of Fractions Lesson

This worksheet explains how multiply fractions. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented.

Skill Check

Make sure to read through each problem before you start working with them.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency solving for the products. Ten problems are provided.

Get Some Exercise

Space is provided to copy the correct answer when it is provided.

Practice the Skill

Students will solve fraction multiplication problems. Fourteen problems are provided.

More Practice

Students will solve problems by finding the product of mixed numbers and fractions. Fourteen problems are provided.

Practice Problems

Students will find the product of each pair of fractions. Fourteen problems are provided.

Simplify Rational Expressions Lesson

Students will learn how to simplify rational expressions before multiplication. A sample problem is solved.

Find the Area and Perimeter

Students will learn how to solve for the area and perimeter of a rectangle given the values of the variables as fractions. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are included.

Intermediate Worksheet

We now advance to adding a third fraction and second operation to these problems. Ten problems are provided.

Intermediate Practice

Students will solve intermediate-level problems by tackling more difficult problems. Ten problems are provided.

Intermediate Drill

Students will find the product of intermediate-level problems that they will appreciate. Eight problems are provided.

Intermediate Warm Up

Students will find the product of each set of fractions. Three practice problems are provided.

Visual Lesson

Write a multiplication sentence. Shade the answer picture.

Review and Practice

Multiply. Remember to always give your answer in lowest terms (simplified) and as a mixed number, if possible.

Fractions Times Fractions Worksheet

Students will learn how to multiply fractions by fractions using visual representations as an aid.


Students will solve problems by using the skills we have worked on together.


Students will find the product over eight problems.

Warm Up

Work on this one when you have a bunch of energy left in the tank.

Multiply Whole Numbers by Fractions Lesson

Write the multiplication problem as addition problems and solve.

Review and Practice

What this shows students is how to process multiplication in a fast way of adding a series of numbers.


More concept programs for you to work on.

My Practice Sheet

See if you can build up a practice schedule for yourself.


Where are we going with this? You will see on this sheet.


Write a multiplication sentence for the given problem and find the solution.

Review and Practice

We could have just multiplied the denominators to get the new denominator.

Practice the Skill Worksheet

Write a multiplication sentence for the given problems and find the solution.


You will break apart these values into even smaller values.


Use the pie image to help you solve all of these guys.

Warm Up

Three practice problems for you to work on here.


First solve 3 x 5/8. Multiplying these two numbers gives the answer as 15/8 or 1 7/8 Now color three times 5/8. Count five parts out of eight and color them. Again count and color 10 more parts. In all, color 15 parts of the two circles.

Review and Practice

Remember to give your answer as a mixed number and to simplify the fractional parts to lowest terms whenever possible.


Repeatedly add the number to get the desired answer.


The multiplication of whole numbers can be solved by repeated addition. Write the answers in the blanks provided.


Students will find the product of a series of fractions and whole numbers. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

Students will multiply fractions by whole numbers. Three practice problems are provided.

Multiply Mixed Numbers Lesson

First change the mixed number to fractions. Then multiply the fractions. Give the answer as a mixed number with the fractional part in lowest terms.

Skill Review and Practice

When multiplying mixed numbers, we have to first convert the mixed number to improper fractions and then multiply the two fractions.

Multiply Mixed Numbers Worksheet

The important part to remember is that don't multiply the mixed number until you have first changed them into fractions.

More Practice

Change the mixed numbers to fractions first.

Mixed Numbers Drill

When multiplying mixed numbers, we have to first convert the mixed number to improper fractions and then multiply the two fractions.

Warm Up

Where to get started on this skill.

Review and Practice

Students will learn how to multiply rational fractions. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are included.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with this skill. Ten problems are provided.

Rational Fraction Exercises

Complete the problems. Put your answer in the "My Answer" box.