The following activity sheets will give your students practice in simplifying fractions in many forms.

What we are trying to teach you in this section is how to write a known fractional value in the lowest terms possible. This helps us simplify the math before we process operations between fractions. The goal is to get the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number) to a value where no number exists that can be evenly divide into both of those values, outside of the number one. If the denominator and numerator are even, I like to cheat and right away divide both by two. The best way to do this is start by writing the factors of both the numerator and denominator. Identify the greatest common factor (GCF) they share, divide both by it. At first this is pretty difficult, but it gets much easier with some healthy practice. These can also be referred to as reducing fractions worksheets as well. We are focused on trying to get each fraction or mixed number into the lowest form possible. To do this we first have to create an improper fraction, if it is a mixed number. After that your last step is to find the greatest common factor between both the top and bottom of the fraction. Divide that factor into both and viola, you are done!

This section of worksheets will lead us on to proportions and ratios. These worksheets explain how simplify fractions using the greatest common factor and visual representation. Your students will use these worksheets to simplify fractions by themselves, as part of mixed numbers, or as part of expressions.

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Simplifying Fractions Lesson

Students will learn how to simplify fractions using the greatest common factor. A sample problem is solved.

Review and Practice

We review this skill and then set you loose on your own with problems. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are included.


See if you can do these more quickly now that you have had some practice. Ten problems are provided.


More practice, but it is time to grab a stopwatch to see if you have mastered this yet. Ten problems are provided.


Students will work the problems in order to simplify the expressions. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

Students will simplify each expression. Three practice problems are provided.

Complex Fractions Lesson

We step it up to breaking down more complex fractions. The step-by-step solution to a sample problem is presented and two sample problems are provided.

Skill Check

These are not that simple. Ten practice problems are provided.

Working On It Worksheet

See if you can do these in four moves or less. Ten problems are provided.

Complete Review and Practice

Students review how to perform this skil by reviewing the solution to a sample problem. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency in simplifying complex fractions. Ten problems are provided.

Fractions Exercise

Space is provided to copy the correct answer when it is provided.

Simplifying Lesson

Students will learn how to determine if a fraction can be simplified. A sample problem is solved.

Review and Practice

The largest number that goes exactly into both 6 and 21 is 3, so the Greatest Common Factor is 3

GCF Worksheet

Divide both the top and bottom of the fraction by the Greatest Common Factor (GCF).

Simplify Practice

Break down the following fractions to the lowest terms. Ten problems are provided.

Simplify Drill

Some of these are already in their lowest possible form.

Warm Up

Students will simplify each expression. Three practice problems are provided.

Simplifying and GCF Lesson

Learn the elements and process of solving this from top to bottom. A sample problem is solved.

Review and Practice

Find the factors that are common in both the numerator and the denominator.

Practice Worksheet

A good helping of problems for you to practice with. Ten problems are provided.

More Practice

You are given problems to practice this skill even more. Ten problems are provided.

Topic Drill

Breakdown each of the eight problems that are provided.

Classroom Warm Up

Students will use the process that they have learned to simplify each expression. Three practice problems are provided.

Simplifying Using Visual Representation Lesson

Students will learn how to process this skill with the help of a visual representation. A sample problem is solved.

Review and Practice

In this example we find that the fraction is 3/6 (from the figure) is not the simplest fraction. We can reduce the fraction into its simple fraction 1/2 by dividing numerator and denominator by 3.

Visual Representation Worksheet

Write the missing numbers that are presented in the form of pie images.

Practice the Skill Twice

This offers double visuals to lead students to understand the skill better.

Visual Drill

Use what you have learned to reduce the expression to its lowest term.

Class Warm Up

Write down the simplification. Bring it to its lowest term (The parts are joined together in).

Complete Lesson

To make the fraction into simplest form, we will divide both numerator and denominator by 2.

Complete Review and Practice

Students will learn how to apply this skill and fill in the missing parts of the fractions. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are included.

Complete Worksheet

What is missing? Ten problems are provided.

Complete Practice Worksheet

Break it down and fill in the blanks in the fractions. Ten problems are provided.

Complete Drill

Complete each missing part. Eight problems are provided.

My Warm Up

A nice way to finish of this topic.