The following activity sheets will give your students practice in plotting functions on coordinate grids.

How do you plot functions on a coordinate grid? Assume that you have a lot of focuses, where the x-coordinate speak to the number of months since you bought a computer, and the y-coordinate speaks to how much the computer is worth. Do you realize how to plot these focuses on a Cartesian plane? What about if the circumstance were turned around and you had the plotted focuses? Might you be able to thought of the directions of the focuses and the capacity decide that would produce these focuses? When a table has been made for capacity, the following stage is to envision the relationship by diagramming the directions of every information point. The information focuses organized as (x,y), where the primary facilitate speaks to the level good ways from the inception (recall that the birthplace is where the tomahawks cross). The subsequent organize speaks to the good vertical ways from the beginning.

Our selection of worksheets will involve equations that have a substituted value for x. Students will complete the value of table. Then you will need plot the x and y coordinates on the coordinate graph. To complete the function you will join all the points. The lesson will start the section off with little to no calculations needed on your part, this way the you can concentrate on the concept; not the math. These worksheets explain how to relate the y coordinate to the x coordinate on a grid. Your students will use these worksheets in order to learn how to plot different functions on coordinate grids. Students will complete charts using given functions, variables, and more, and graph the results.

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Functions in Coordinate Grids Lesson

This worksheet explains how to figure out how the y-coordinate relates to the x-coordinate, plot the points, and connect them. A sample problem is solved.

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Lesson and Practice

Use this equation given above. Substitute the value of x in the equation to find a value of y and fill the value in the table.

Skills Worksheet

Y coordinates are given. Students will figure out how the y-coordinate relates to the x-coordinate, plot the points, and connect them.

Class Practice

Students will figure out how the y-coordinate relates to the x-coordinate, plot the points, and connect them. Ten problems are provided.

Drill Worksheet

Eight y-coordinates are presented. Students will figure out how the y-coordinate relates to the x-coordinate, plot the points, and connect them.

Class Warm Up

Students will figure out how the y-coordinate relates to the x-coordinate, plot the points, and connect them. Three problems are provided.

Plotting Points on Coordinate Grids Lesson

This worksheet explains how to plot the points from the "number rules" on the coordinate grids. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

When a linear function is written in the form Ax + By = C, it is said to be in standard form. The graph of a linear function is a straight line. To graph a linear function, find at least two of its ordered pairs, plot them, and draw a line through them.

Plotting Points Worksheet

"Number Rules" are given for 10 grids. Students will plot the points on the coordinate grids.

Lesson Practice

If you want to graph a function on a coordinate grid, you need to have at least two points. However, it is recommended that you use more than two points. When you are choosing your points, you should try to include both negative and positive points.

Coordinate Grids Drill

See if you can figure out what is going on here and express the value in various different forms.

Warm Up

Plot out the points and see if you can express the values in linear form.