These worksheets will teach your students types of angles, and how to identify angle pairs.

What are adjacent, complementary, supplementary, and vertical angles? Supplementary Angles - We define it with respect to the addition of two angles. When two angle's sum is 180 degree, and it forms a linear angle with each other, we will say such type of supplementary angles. If two angles form a linear angle like angle = 1 and angle (2) = 180 - x, the properties of angles will be same. Complementary Angles - If you are adding two angles of 90 degrees to form a right angle, you will call them complementary angles. In a condition of having one angle is x and the other one is 90 degree - x, we will use such complementary angles for trigonometric ratios. There will need a ratio complement another ratio by 90 degrees, for example; sin (90° - A) = cos A and cos (90° - A) = sin A, tan (90° - A) = cot A and cot (90° - A) = tan A. Here, trigonometric ratios of the angles are changing as they are complementing each other. Adjacent Angles - When two angles share the common vertex and side, it means it is an adjacent angle. Vertical Angle - If two lines are intersecting and four angles are forming, we will call those angles vertical angles or vertically opposite angles.

This collection of worksheets focuses your efforts on naming angles and finding measures with those angles based on your understanding of predefined angle relationships. The four angle relationships we focus on look at how two lines relate to each other. Adjacent angles are what I would refer to as angles that are touching because they share the same ray. Vertical angles are angles that are equal and directly across from each other. Supplementary angles are angles that when added equal 180 degrees. Complementary angle are usually part of a right angle and add up to 90 degrees. These worksheets explain how to adjacent, supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles and how to find the number of degrees in an angle(s).

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Print Adjacent, Supplementary, Complementary, and Vertical Angles Worksheets

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Angle Classification Lesson

This worksheet defines adjacent, supplementary, complementary, and vertical angles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

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Practice Worksheet

Students will identify the measures that are indicated. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet 2

Ten pictures of lines meeting at points are provided. Students will classify all the measures that are indicated.

Skill Review

This sheet lines all the different types of classifications that students need to be aware of for this entire section. It makes a great review sheet to have handy.

Classification Practice

Students will study each graph and find the value and classification that each problem asks for. Six practice problems are provided.

Naming Angles Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency in identifying adjacent, supplementary, complementary, and vertical measures. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Review and Check

Students will find and name what is indicated. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Naming Angles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to name all the pairs of adjacent measures in the picture. A sample problem is solved for you.

Lesson and Practice

This worksheets explains how to name the indicated values in a picture. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Another Practice Worksheet

Students will name the measures all over the place. Ten problems are provided.

Naming Practice

Ten pictures of measures are provided. Students will find the classifications that are indicated with each picture.

Naming Drill

Eight pictures are provided. Students will locate what is asked for within each picture.

Class Warm Up

Students will identify a series of different measures and label them. Three problems are provided.

Naming Independent Practice

Students will study each picture. They will find what is asked of them.

Label Me

Students will find the angle indicated in each problem. Ten pictures are provided.

Finding Adjacent, Supplementary, Complementary, and Verticals

Take your time and find all the asked for measures. This makes for a great take home sheet.

Naming Specified Angles

Students will practice recognizing adjacent, supplementary, complementary, and vertical measures. Ten problems are provided.

Find the Indicated Points

Ten pictures of adjacent, supplementary, complementary, and vertical measures are provided. Students will find the measures they are looking for.

Finding Degrees Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the number of degrees in specified angles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Finding Degrees Worksheet

Students will read the description and then determine the number of degrees of each measure. Ten problems are provided.

Degrees Practice

The problems on this sheet will really help you handle and manage word problem in this environment.

Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews all the concepts that we have learned here. A sample problem is solved and six practice problems are provided.

Finding Degrees Quiz

Students will read the description of each angle(s) and indicate how many degrees each contains. Ten problems are provided.

Degrees Student Check

This makes for a nice skill review for students. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.