These activity sheets will teach your students how to correctly measure and classify given angles.

How do you measure and classify angles? When two rays meet at a point In plane geometry, they form an angle at that common endpoint, called the vertex of the angle. Angles lie in a plane, but this plane does not have to be a Euclidean plane. There are a variety of different types of angles. These types include straight, right, acute or obtuse. These are a portion of the total circle that 360˚. A straight angle is the same as half the circle and is 180° whereas a right angle is a quarter of a circle and is 90°. All these can be measured using a protractor in the geometry box, that is shaped like a capital D.

You will definitely need a protractor for these worksheets and lessons. The lesson walks you step-by-step through measuring the angles by matching them arms up on the protractor. Once you know the measure of the angle we classify the angles. Straight angles are basically straight lines and have a measure of 180 degrees. Right angles measure 90 degrees. Acute angles are less than 90 degrees. Obtuse angles are the goldilocks of angles; they measure between 90 and 180 degrees. Reflex angles get a bit extreme and measure between 180 and 360 degrees. These worksheets explain how to classify angles as straight, right, acute, obtuse, or reflex. The different angle classifications are defined for students.

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Measuring Angles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to measure and angle. A sample problem is solved.

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Classifying Angles Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how classify angles according to their measurements. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Calculate the Measurement of Angles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to calculate the measurement of angles. A sample problem is solved.

Measurement Practice Worksheet

Students will find the value the indicated angles. Ten descriptions are provided.

Classify Them Practice

Students will classify each angle based on its measurement . Ten problems are provided.

Calculating Measurements Drill

Using the pictures as visual aids, students will calculate measurements of the angles indicated. Eight problems are provided.

Classifying Warm Up

Using the pictures as visual aids, students will classify each angle. Three problems are provided.

Measuring and Name Them Lesson

This worksheet explains how to measure and classify an angle. A sample problem is solved.

Measuring and Classifying Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how measure an angle and classify it based on that measurement. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Followup Worksheet

This worksheet will have students measure and then classify guess what? Ten descriptions of angles are provided.

Measuring and Classifying Angles Practice

Do all this based on the measurement that you make. Ten problems are provided.

Measuring and Classifying Drill

Eight quick drill problems for you to work with. Eight problems are provided.

Skills Warm Up

Students will measure and classify each angle. Three problems are provided.

Finding and Classifying Angles Basic Skills Worksheet

We work off of the concept of a right angle and straight lines. Ten descriptions of angles are provided.

Basic Skills Practice

Calculate the angle in degrees. Do not try to measure because the angles are not exact. Ten problems are provided.

Finding and Classifying Angles Intermediate Skills Worksheet

Students will measure and then classify the indicated angles. Ten descriptions of angles are provided.

Intermediate Skills Practice

These problems are a bit more tricky. Ten problems are provided.

Classify Each Angle Worksheet

Students analyze and classify each angle. Ten descriptions of angles are provided.

Classify Each Angle Practice

Students will classify each angle based on visual inspection. Ten problems are provided.

Analyze Them Worksheet

Students analyze and name each angle. Ten descriptions of angles are provided.

Classification of Angles Practice

Students will classify each angle based on visual inspection. Ten problems are provided.

Measure all the Angles Worksheet

Ten angles are provided. Students will measure each angle.

Practice Worksheet

Students will find the measurement of each angle . Ten problems are provided.

Measure the Angles Drill

Students will measure each angle in this drill. Ten problems are provided.

Classify and Measure Angles Review

This worksheet reviews how to measure and classify an angle. A sample problem is solved.

Get It Through Practice

Students will review how to measure and classify angles. Six problems are provided.

My Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency measuring and classifying angles. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will find the measure of the indicated angles and then classify them. Three word problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Estimating Angles Lesson

Students will learn how to estimate the degrees in a given angle. A sample problem is solved.

Drawing Angles Lesson and Practice

This worksheet explains how to draw an angle that has specified measurement. A sample problem is solved and two problems are provided.

Estimating Angles Worksheet

Students will estimate the measurement of an angle and then measure it to check their work. Ten problems are provided.

Drawing Angles Worksheet

Students will draw the angles described. Ten problems are provided.

Estimate and Measure Worksheet

Students will estimate the measurement of an angle before measuring it to check their work. Ten problems are provided.

Protractor Worksheet

Students will find the measure of each angle in degrees, using the protractor provided. Ten problems are provided.

Measure Angles Practice Sheet

Number three and five really don't require a protractor.

Using Descriptions Worksheet

Using the sentence provided to draw an angle to spec.

Show the Skill Worksheet

Find the measures of all the angles.

Quick Warm Up

Get those protractors warm now.

Protractor Worksheet

Students will find the measure of each angle in degrees, using the protractor provided. Ten problems are provided.

Protractor Worksheet Practice

Students will use the image of the protractor provided to find the measurement of angles. Ten problems are provided.

Protractor Drill

Students find the measurements of the angles using the protractor. Ten problems are provided.