These worksheets will teach your students how to calculate arcs, degrees, and radians of circles.

A portion of the circumference of a circle is the arch. You can measure an arch of a circle by finding the measure of the central angle or by finding the length of the arc itself. The sum all of all the inscribed angles in a circle are equal to one-hundred and eighty degrees. In many cases of this worksheet set you will be given a single measure and be asked to draw upon your knowledge of circle geometry to complete the unknown angles within it.

These worksheets explain how to find the length of an arc and the measure of an angle. Students will convert radians to degree and vice versa. Students will also learn about inscribed angles, and how to convert between units. What steps are needed to find the measures of arcs of circles? When studying to solve circles including their circumference and area, there is another measurement that you need to understand and that is arc length. It is a measure of the distance along the circumference of a circle. It represents a fraction of the circumference of the circle. So, how do you find the measures of arcs of circles? Before we get into the businesses, we need to understand that arcs can come from a central angle. The vertex of this is located at the center of the circle. You can measure an arc in two different ways: Angle: The measure of an arc as an angle is the same as the central angle that intercepts it. Length: The length of an arc is directly proportional to the circumference of the circle and is dependent on both the central angle and the radius of the circle. You can calculate the length of an arc is equal to the circumference times the fraction of the circle represented by the arc's measure. Length = (measure of arc/360) 2πr.

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Angles and Arcs in Circles Lesson

This worksheet explains central and inscribed angles and arcs in circles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Independent Worksheet

Students will find the indicated angles. Ten problems are provided.

Angles and Arcs in Circles Practice Worksheet

Students will study each series of image and using known measures be able to find the indicated angles. Ten problems are provided.

Skill Review

The concept of finding central and inscribed angles in a circle is reviewed. A sample problem is solved.

Practice Worksheet

You will quickly learn to scan the room to find the surrounding measures to determine what is given and what we know to move to the next step.

Circles Quiz

Time to show what you know. We will quiz you on all the different skills that we have covered here.

Skill Check

This sheet is designed to help you review all the concepts that we have put together here for you.

Angle Length and Radian Measure Lesson

This worksheet explains how to convert an angle measurement to a radian measurement. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

In addition to what the lesson covered we will see if students can think critically and determine the value of rotations.

Measurement Practice

Post these values to learn to convert between degrees and radian measures. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

You cannot help students work through all these varied problems individually. Give them this sheet to see how they do with the skill.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency converting these various measures. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will perform the indicated conversions. Three word problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Arcs of Circles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the length of an arc on a circle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Arcs Worksheet

Example problem: In a circle of a garden the angle is 195 degrees. The length of minor arc RS is 250. Find the radius of the circle.

Practice Worksheet

These all build off of that known select thought process. Ten problems are provided.

Review Sheet

The concept of finding the length of an arc on a circle is reviewed. A sample problem is solved.

Length Practice

Given diagrams, students will find the length of an arc on a circle. Six practice problems are provided.

Arcs Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency in finding the length of that measure that we have been working on Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

A nice series of problems for you to work with and through the entire skill that we have been working on.

Numerical Practice with Big Circles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the measure of the arcs of a circle that are in ratio. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Big Circles Worksheet

This is pretty cool. You will see two triangles that are hanging over a circle. You are tasked with finding all the measures that are unknown based on the setup ratio.


Students will determine the measure of each specified angle. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews how to find the measure of an angle when a shape intersects with a circle. A sample problem is solved, and six practice problems are provided.

Big Circles Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency finding the measure of an angle when a shape intersects with a circle. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

It is amazing what you can do with a couple of triangles and a circle. Three word problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.