These worksheets teach your students how to solve for variables given intersecting chords within circles.

A chord of any circle is a straight line that starts and ends on the circle itself. In this section of worksheets we will be using the simple fact that a chord is a straight line to help us better understand all of the measures found engulfed by that circle. Please don't confuse chords with diameter. The diameter must pass directly through the center of the circle. Chords can chop through just about anywhere. You can say that chords do connect two point of a circle's circumference.

What are the chords that intersect circles? These are the two chords that you can intersect with each other in a circle, and the product of their segments are equal. If we draw a figure and name the two line segments A.B, it will be equal to segments C.D. Mathematically, AB = CD. Draw a circle. Mark two chords and intersect them into two segments at a particular point. The divided chords into two-line segments = A and B and, A × B = C × D. According to the theorem, no matter where you mark the chords, A multiply by B will always be equal to C multiply by D. These worksheets explain how find the measure of an angle between intersecting chords, as well as the value of chords. Your students will use the following sheets to learn how to solve for different variables (e.g. arc length, angles, line segments, and more) using the calculations for intersecting chords within circles.

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Angles Between Intersecting Chords Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the angle between two intersecting chords. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

Example problem: A part JP of a circle is taken. JD is tangent to JP at J and m∠ 45°. What is the measure in degrees of the arc JP, the outside edge of the part of circle?

Intersecting Chords Worksheet

You find a whole bunch of missing measures when two chords coming crashing into each other.

Practice Worksheet

Example problem: The segment through point J is tangent to the circle at J. Measure of minor arcs are in ratio JP:PG:GJ=4:2:3, Find x.

Practice Drill

Using the pictures as visual aids, for each problem, students will find the angle between two intersecting chords. Eight problems are provided.

Class Warm Up

Example problem: Given diameter JM is perpendicular to a chord, b=111°, find a.

Radius Perpendicular to a Chord Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the value of a radius perpendicular to a chord. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

Example problem: A plane intersects a sphere. The diameter of the intersection is 20. The diameter of the sphere is 52. Find x.

Skill Worksheet

Example problem: Given: Circle O, marked perpendiculars, hash marks indicating congruent, AC= 6 Find x.

Practice Worksheet

In a circle, a radius perpendicular to a chord bisects the chord. Students will find the value of the specified chord. Ten problems are provided.

Skill Drill

Using the pictures as visual aids, for each problem, students will find the value of the indicated chord. Eight problems are provided.

Skill Warm Up

My skills warmup can help you begin to master this skill.

Values of Angles and Chords Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the value of an angle between two intersecting chords. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

This worksheet gives you an empty table to complete based on all the given info you have to work off of.

My Worksheet

Students will find the value of angles and chords. Ten descriptions are provided.

Practice Sheet

We work of the concept that: If two chords intersect in a circle, the product of the lengths of the segments of one chord equals the product of the segments of the other.

Angles and Chords Drill

Using the pictures as visual aids, for each problem, students will find the value of angles and chords. Eight problems are provided.

Skill Warm Up

This will help you bring it all together in one single three question sheet for students.