These worksheets teach your students how to calculate the radius, circumference and diameter of circles.

What is the center, diameter, chord, and radius of circle mean? A circle is a two-dimensional shape. A circle has a center, diameter, radius, and a chord. When it comes to finding the area, circumference, or solving circle problems, students need to have a clear understanding of each of these terms. Starting from the primary term, the center. So, what is the center of a circle? It is the point equidistant from the points on edge. A circle is mostly created using a compass, where the pointed end is placed, it serves as the center. Moving on the diameter and radius of a circle. Radius is the distance from the center towards the circumference or boundary of the circle. The diameter goes straight across the circle, through the center and it is twice of a radius. A chord is another measurement of circles, which often confuses a lot of students. Remember that it is not the diameter. It is a straight-line segment with its endpoints lying on the circle. The infinite line extension of a chord is a secant line or just secant. More generally, a chord is a line segment joining two points on any curve, for instance, an ellipse.

This collection of worksheets is like the study of circle anatomy. Students will construct circles and find the measures of already created circles. They will learn that the radius of a circle is a line drawn from any part of the circle to the direct center of the circle. Diameter is the length of line drawn through a circle that passes directly through the center. Circumference is the distance around a circle and can be calculated with by taking the product of the radius by two-Pi. These worksheets explain how to find the radius, diameter, circumference, perimeter, and area of circles. Different types of measurement units are used, and may include fractions or decimals.

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Print Measures of Circles (Center, Diameter, Chord, Radius) Worksheets

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Circles Lesson

This worksheet explains how mark the diameter, circumference, and radius of a circle. A sample problem is solved.

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Circles Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how find the radius of a circle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Circles Worksheet

Students will complete the table by finding the missing diameter, circumference, or radius. Ten descriptions are provided.

Circles Practice

Students will find the perimeter of each shape. Ten problems are provided.

Drawing Circles and Squares Drill

Students will draw the shapes indicated. Eight problems are provided.

Circles Warm Up

Students will find the radius of each circle. Three problems are provided.

Center, Diameter, Chord, or Radius Basic Skills Worksheet

Students will identify the marked parts of each circle. Ten problems are provided.

Center, Diameter, Chord, or Radius Basic Skills Practice

Students will identify the indicated part of each circle. Ten problems are provided.

Center, Diameter, Chord, or Radius Intermediate Skills Worksheet

Students will determine if the marked item is the center, diameter, chord, or radius of the circle. Ten problems are provided.

Center, Diameter, Chord, or Radius Intermediate Skills Practice

Students will name the specified part of each circle. Ten problems are provided.

Center, Diameter, Chord, or Radius Intermediate Skills Drill

Students analyze the marked part of each circle and name it. Ten descriptions of angles are provided.

Diameter, Chord, Center, Radius Lesson

This worksheet explains how to identify a marked part of a circle. A sample problem is solved.

Diameter, Chord, Center, Radius Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how identify a specified part of a circle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Diameter, Chord, Center, Radius Worksheet

Students will identify a specified part of each circle. Ten descriptions are provided.

Diameter, Chord, Center, Radius Practice

Students will name the indicated parts of each circle. Ten problems are provided.

Diameter, Chord, Center, Radius Drill

Students will name the given line, segment, or point. Eight problems are provided.

Diameter, Chord, Center, Radius Warm Up

Students will identify the given line, segment, or point. Three problems are provided.

Basic Parts of Circles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to identify the basic parts of a circle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Basic Parts of Circles Worksheet

Students will classify the indicated segment or point. Ten problems are provided.

Basic Parts of Circles Practice

Ten circles are provided. Students will name the indicated segment or point.

Basic Parts of Circles Review and Practice

Basic parts of a circle are reviewed. Six practice problems are provided.

Basic Parts of Circles Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency in naming the basic parts of a circle. Ten problems are provided.

Basic Parts of Circles Check

Students will name the parts of each circle indicated. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Area and Circumference of a Circle Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the area and circumference of a circle. A sample problem is solved.

Area and Circumference of a Circle Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how find the area and circumference of a circle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Area and Circumference of a Circle Worksheet

Students will find the area and circumference of each circle. Ten descriptions are provided.

Area and Circumference of a Circle Practice

Students will find area and circumference of the circles provided. Ten problems are provided.

Area and Circumference of a Circle Drill

For each shape described, students will find the area and circumference. Eight problems are provided.

Area and Circumference of a Circle Warm Up

Students will find the area and circumference of the circles. Three problems are provided.

Radius of Circles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the radius of a circle. A sample problem is solved.

Radius of Circles Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how find the radius of a circle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Radius of Circles Worksheet

Students will find the radius of a circle. Ten descriptions are provided.

Radius of Circles Practice

Students will find the radius of each circle. Ten problems are provided.

Radius of Circles Drill

Students will use a compass to draw a circle with the given radius. Eight problems are provided.

Radius of Circles Warm Up

Students will find the radius of the given circles. Three problems are provided.