These worksheets will introduce your students to conditional statements, their hypotheses, conclusions, and converse forms.

Conditional statements are routinely referred to as "if-then" statements. They are composed of two main parts the hypothesis (if) and the conclusion (then). Conditional statements are true unless they lead us to a false conclusion. We can form a converse statement by rearranging the hypothesis and the conclusion of a known statement. Converse statements will often lead us to change the truth value of the original conditional statement.

What are the conditional statements and converses? Converse Statements: In mathematics, we take both converse and inverse as an associated concept in creating conditional statements. If you want to make the converse of a conditional statement, change the hypothesis and conclusion. Examples: If I take a bite of chocolate cake, then I will put on weight. (Conditional Statement) If I put on weight, then I took a bite of chocolate cake. (Converse) Conditional Statements: - They are set up conditions and we can use them as a true or false problems. Such statements proceed with a hypothesis and finish with a conclusion. Examples - If my pet animal is hungry, then she will drag my leg. If triangles are congruent, then they have equally similar angles. The converse of a Conditional Statement: The converse of the correct conditional statement does not create another actual statement. It might produce an accurate statement, or it could produce trash: If a polygon is a square, then it is also a quadrilateral. That statement is true. But the converse of that is nonsense: If a polygon is a quadrilateral, then it is also a square. We know it is untrue because plenty of quadrilaterals exist that are not squares. These worksheets explain how to write statements and counters. Students will identify hypotheses, conclusions, and learn to write their converse.

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This worksheet explains concurrence. A sample question is answered, and two practice questions are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Students will identify the hypothesis and conclusion, or write the conditional. Ten questions are provided.

Conditional Statements and Converses Practice

Students will identify the hypothesis and conclusion, or write the conditional. Ten questions are provided.

Review and Practice

The concept of conditional statements and converses is reviewed. Six practice questions are provided.


Students will demonstrate their understanding of conditional statements and converses. Ten problems are provided.

Review Checks

Students will identify the hypothesis and conclusion, or write the conditional. Three questions are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.