These worksheets will teach your students how to calculate line equations using slope and intercepts.

How to Find the Equation of a Line? There are several cases of finding an equation of a line, their different forms one is two-point form, others include slope-point form and slope-intercept form. To understand this concept, you need to know the general form of the equation of a line which is given by; y = mx + c: Here, m is the slope or gradient, c is the y-intercept, x, and y are the variables. If you have two points, you can find out the slope using this formula. m=(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1) Once you have the slope, you can use any of the points to find the y-intercept. When you have a slope and a point, you can substitute the slope into the equation and use the given point to calculate the y-intercept. Another case is when you have the slope and y-intercept, you just have to input the values to find the equation of the line.

When we write an equation for a line, we are writing a fixed recipe that can be replicated over and over. It basically defines the line. Line equation follow the format of y=mx+b. Where x and y are coordinate values of their respective axis. The value b is the y-intercept meaning this is where the line crosses the y-axis. The variable m is the slope of the line. Slope really gives you an idea of the steepness and direction of the line. These worksheets explain how to find the equations and slopes of lines and plot the lines. Your students will use these activity sheets to practice determining equations for lines, as well as calculating slope, point and y-intercepts, and graphing lines on a coordinate plane using a given equation.

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Find the Equation of a Line Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the equation of a line with a given slope that passes through a given point. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Find the Equation of a Line Worksheet

Students will find the equation of a line with a given slope that passes through a given point. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Given the slope and a point it passes through, students will find the equation of a line. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

Students review how to find the equation of a line with a given slope that passes through a given point. Six practice problems are provided.

Skills Quiz

Students will solve each problem by finding the equation of a line with a given slope that passes through a given point. Ten problems are provided.

Find the Equation of a Line Check

Students will find the equation of a line with a given slope that passes through a given point. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Equation and Slopes of Lines Lesson

This worksheet explains how to describe the equation of a line with a given slope that passes through a given point. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Students will find the equation or the slope of a line that passes through a given point. Ten problems are provided.

On the Graph Practice

Students will practice finding the equation or the slope when given a line plotted on a graph. Ten problems are provided.

Review Sheet

Students review how to find equation or the slope of a line. A sample problem is solved.

More Practice

A really nice mix of problems for students to work with. Six practice problems are provided.

My Quiz

See how well you have done with this skill. Ten problems are provided.

Equation and Slopes of Lines Check

Students will find the locus of the third point as described find the locus of the third point as described. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Plotting Lines Lesson

This worksheet explains how find the y value when given the x value and plot the line. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

This worksheets explains how to find the y value for a given x value and plot the line. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Plotting Lines Worksheet

Given a description, students will find the y value for a given x value and plot the line. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Students will find the y value and then plot the line. Ten problems are provided.

Line Drills

Students will plot the line after finding the y value. Eight problems are provided.

Skill Warm Up

Students will find the y value for a given x value and plot the line. Three problems are provided.