The following activity sheets will give your students further practice in identifying inverse functions graphically.

How Do You Represent Inverse of a Functions Graphically? Graphing a function is easy. All you have to do is assume three to five values for x. Substitute the value of x into the function to find out the corresponding values of f(x). Plot the values of x on the horizontal axis and the corresponding values of the function of the vertical axis. But, what if you have to represent the inverse of a function graphically? Well, it is not that difficult either. You need to plot the graph of it and then switch the values of x. Without doing much, you will have the inverse set on your graph. It is that simple!

An inverse function basically undoes whatever the original function did. This quarry of worksheets and lessons provides students with premade graphs and asks students to identify functions or their inverse based on this graph. You will be presented with clearly true and false problems here. The function appears as the black line and the inverse as the red line on the graphs. These worksheets explain how to determine if the inverse of a graph will be a function. Students should already know how to convert functions into graphs, and vice versa. Questions are True/False.

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Inverses of Graphs Lesson

This worksheet explains how to determine if the inverse of a graph will be a function. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Are the graphs that are displayed inverses of each other. Ten problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Most of these graphs will be setup for you to see through and decide if they are inverses.

Review and Practice

Will the inverse of this graph will be a function. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with this skill and determine where they stand with it. Ten problems are provided.

Overall Check

Can you find a good level of attention to detail. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.