These activity sheets give your students practice in comparing shapes through angles, segments, and ratios.

What Information Can You Learn About Similar Figures? Two figures are similar if they have the same shape. Their sizes don't necessarily have to be the exact. To be similar, two rules should be followed by the figures. These are as follows: The corresponding sides of the two figures are proportional. This means that corresponding sides follow the same ratios, or their ratios are equal. All the corresponding angles of the two figures are equal. If you have two shapes that are only different by a scale ratio they are called similar. Similar figures can become one another by a simple resizing, a flip, a slide, or a turn. They serve a big purpose in geometry they can be used to find the length of sides or the measure of angles found within each of the figures. If you are given the fact that two figures are similar you can quickly learn a great deal about each shape.

These worksheets explain how to scale shapes. Students will calculate scale ratios, measure angles, compare segment lengths, determine congruency, and more.

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Basic Lesson

This worksheet explains how to determine the scale factor between two triangles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Students will find the corresponding angles and sides between two triangles. Ten problems are provided.

Focused Practice

Students will use the two triangles provided to find the corresponding angles and sides. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

Students reviews similar triangles. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with similar triangles by finding the corresponding angles and sides indicated. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will find the corresponding angles and sides. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Exploring Similar Triangles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to verify that each angle and its corresponding angle in two triangles have the same measurement. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

This worksheets explains how find the ratio of lengths of two sides of similar triangles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Students will answer questions about the corresponding sides and angles of similar triangles. Ten problems are provided.


Students will work further with similar triangles. Ten problems are provided.

Shape Drill

Students will find the indicated corresponding sides and angles. Eight problems are provided.

Class Warm Up

Students answer question such as: Do each angle and its corresponding angle have the same measurement? Three problems are provided.

Similar Triangles Intermediate Skills Worksheet

Example problem: What is the ratio of side LM length to the length of it corresponding side?

Intermediate Skills Practice

Example: Does each angle and its corresponding angle have the same measurement, Yes or NO?

Skills Drill

Example: What is the ratio of side ST length to the length of it corresponding side?

Basic Skills Worksheet

Students will answer questions about the given similar triangles. Ten problems are provided.

Basic Skills Practice

The majority of student focus on this worksheet is the use and application of corresponding sides.

Classification Lesson

This worksheet explains how to determine if two shapes are similar, congruent, or neither. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

This worksheets explains how to draw a copy of a pentagon. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Classification Worksheet

Students will determine whether each pair of figures is similar, congruent, or neither. Ten problems are provided.

Identification Practice

Students will draw a copy of each given figure with each side be exactly 1.5 times the original. Ten problems are provided.

Application Drill

Students will label each pair of figures as similar, congruent, or neither. Eight problems are provided.

Exploring Warm Up

Students will draw copies of the figures. Three problems are provided.

Find the Missing Side Basic Skills Worksheet

Students will use what they know about similar shapes to solve for the missing side(s). Ten problems are provided.

Skills Practice

Use a proportion to find the unknown length in the pair (Drawings are not drawn to scale). Ten problems are provided.

Intermediate Skills Worksheet

Students will find the missing side(s) of triangles and quadrilaterals. Ten problems are provided.

Intermediate Skills Practice

Given measurements for similar shapes, students will solve for the missing side(s). Two problems are provided.

Intermediate Skills Drill

Students will use the measurements of similar shapes provided to solve for the missing side(s). Ten problems are provided.

Mega Lesson

This worksheet explains how to solve for the area of a square, given the area of a similar square. A sample problem is solved.

Area Lesson and Practice

This worksheets explains how to solve for the area of a triangle, given the area of a similar triangle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.

Area Worksheet

Given the area of a shape, students will solve for the area of a similar shape. Ten problems are provided.

Triangle Area Practice

Given the area of a triangle, students will solve for the area of a similar triangle. Ten problems are provided.

Exploring Similar Squares Drill

Students will solve for the areas of squares based on similar squares. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

Students will use what they know about a square to find measures of a similar square. Three problems are provided.

What In The World Do These Look Like?

For instance, look at the following squares: Example of Similar Figures (Squares) You can see that the sides of both the squares follow the same ratio of 2. Their corresponding sides are proportional. Also, the corresponding angles are equal. Therefore, both figures are similar. Let us tell you about another interesting thing here. When you multiply each side of the square PQRS by 2, you can get each side of the square ABCD. This number 2 is referred to as the scale factor. Similar figures are also called 'equiangular' because their corresponding angles are equal.