These activity sheets will give your students practice in working with congruent-or identical-triangles.

Triangles are congruent if all three sides and angles are equal. There are generally five methods that you can use to prove congruency between triangles. The Side-Side-Side (SSS) method tells us that if all the sides of both triangles are equal then the triangles are congruent. The Side-Angle-Side (SAS) method tells us that if each triangle has two sides and an included angle that are equal, you have congruent triangles. The Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) method tells us that if both triangles possess two angles and included side that are equal, the triangles are congruent. The Angle- Angle -Side (AAS) method tells us that if two angles and the non-included side are equal between the triangles, they are congruent. If you have two right triangles and they have the same hypotenuse and either leg is equal between them, they are congruent. This is called the HL (Hypotenuse-Leg) method.

What is Triangle Congruence? Algebra rules let us learn that we make triangle by three sides and three angles. Also, geometry tell us that the sum of all three angles of triangles is 180 degree. Triangles has various types and the congruent triangles are one of them. To make this triangle, we need the same size and shape. When we flip, turn or rotate two triangles, they will still a congruent triangles. If we have two triangles with the same sides, such triangles must have the same angles too. Then, you can still call them a congruent triangle. We can recognize congruent triangles by knowing the sides of two triangles. When the angle between the two sides of a triangle are congruent to its sides and the angle between the another, it means both of the triangles are congruent. Similarly, if we talk about two triangles, they will also be the congruent triangle. The condition will be; The two sides and their angles must be congruent to two angles and the sides of the other triangles. You can call these triangles a congruent. Last but not least, if one triangle's two angles and its non-included side are congruent to the same angles and the sides of another triangle, it means the triangle will be the congruent one. These worksheets explains how to use congruency to find the measure of part of a triangle, and how to use measurements to draw congruent triangles.

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Congruent Triangles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the indicated value given two congruent triangles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Example: ⟁ XYZ ≈ ⟁ ABC and the perimeter of ⟁ ABC is 85 cm. If the sum of two sides of ⟁ XYZ is 60 cm, what is the length of the third side of ⟁ ABC?

Practice Worksheet

⟁ GHF ≈ ⟁ MNB and the perimeter of ⟁ MNB is 270 cm. If the sum of two sides of ⟁ GHF is 130 cm, what is the length of the third side of ⟁ MNB?

Review and Practice

Students review how to find the indicated value given two congruent triangles. Six practice problems are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency finding the measure of part of a triangle given two congruent triangles. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will work to find missing values and measures based on the concept of congruence. Example: ⟁ UYT ≈ ⟁ JHG and the perimeter of ⟁ JHG is 96 cm. If the sum of two sides of ⟁ UYT is 56 cm, what is the length of the third side of ⟁ JHG?

Using the Congruency of Triangles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to use the congruency of triangles to find the measure of part of a triangle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Example: ∆ASD ≅ ∆PQR and the perimeter of ∆PQR is 360 cm. If the sum of two sides of ∆PQR is 240 cm, what is the length of the third side of ∆PQR?

Practice Worksheet

Students will use the congruency of triangles to find the measure of part of a triangle. Ten problems are provided.

Review and Practice

Students review how to use the congruency of triangles to find the measure of part of a triangle. Six practice problems are provided.

Using the Congruency Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency with this skill. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will use the congruency of triangles to find the measure of part of a triangle. Three problems are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Drawing Congruent Triangles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the measure of a specified side of a triangle, based on what is known about a similar triangle. A sample problem is solved.

Lesson and Practice

This worksheet reviews how to draw congruent triangles based on the same set of measurements. A sample problem is solved, and two practice problems are provided.


Students will draw congruent triangles based on the same set of measurements. Ten problems are provided.


Given a set of measurements, students will draw congruent triangles. Ten problems are provided.

Drawing Drill

Students will draw congruent triangles based on the same set of measurements. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

Students will draw congruent triangles based on the same set of measurements. Three problems are provided.

Introduction to Congruent Triangle Proofs Lesson

This worksheet explains how to prove that two triangles are congruent. A sample problem is solved, and two practice questions are provided.

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Introduction to Proofs Worksheet

Students will prove a series of things with this worksheet. Ten questions are provided.

Proofs Practice

Students will work with a series of proofs that work on this skill. Ten questions are provided.

Review Sheet

This worksheet review how to prove that two triangles are congruent. A sample problem is solved.

More Proofs Practice

This worksheet reviews how we use proofs to learn more about triangles. Six practice questions are provided.

Introduction to Congruent Triangle Proofs Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency proving that two triangles are congruent. Ten problems are provided.

Proofs Check

Students will prove that two triangles have a level congruency to them. Space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Beginning Congruent Triangle Proofs Lesson

This worksheet explains how to do congruent triangle proofs. A sample problem is solved, and two practice questions are provided.

Beginning Worksheet

We start from square one with these guys. Ten questions are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Students will do a series of exercises to get on and above where we started with this skill. Ten questions are provided.

Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews how to do congruent triangle proofs. Six practice questions are provided.

Proofs Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency doing congruent triangle proofs. Ten problems are provided.

Proofs Check

See what you know with this skill. Space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Pre-Proofs Warm Ups Lesson

This worksheet explains how to use a diagram and given information to write a direct conclusion for each case. A sample problem is solved, and two practice questions are provided.

Pre-Proofs Warm Ups Worksheet

Students will use a diagram and given information to write a direct conclusion for each case. Ten questions are provided.


Students will write a direct conclusion for each case, using the diagram and the given information. Ten questions are provided.

Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews how use a diagram and given information to write a direct conclusion for each case. Six practice questions are provided.


Students will start to get ready to work with tougher proofs. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will use a diagram and given information to write a direct conclusion for each case. Space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Proofs Lesson

This worksheet explains how to do proofs involving congruent triangles. A sample problem is solved, and two practice questions are provided.

Proofs Worksheet

Students will do proofs involving congruent triangles. Ten questions are provided.


Students will do work on this skill some more. Ten questions are provided.

Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews how to do the types of proofs we have been learning here. Six practice questions are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency doing proofs in a quiz form. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.