These worksheets give your students a review on calculating angles of triangles using various formulas.

What Are Reference Angles in Triangles? The reference angle is the smallest angle that the terminal side of a specified angle makes with the x-axis. How do you find them? The position of the terminal side of the angle in the coordinate plane matters to find the reference angles. We subtract the angle from 180 degrees when the terminal side of the angle is in the second quadrant. Example#1- We give you 150 ° for this. Find the reference. We will subtract 180 ° with 150 °. So, the reference is 30 °. Subtract the measured angle from 180 ° when the terminal side of the angle is in the third quadrant. Example#2- The given degree is 235. Find the reference angle with the help of offered degrees. We will subtract the given angle by 180 °. The answer will be 55 °. Then, we can say that the foundation for 235 is 55 °. We will subtract the angle from 360 ° when the terminal side of the angle is in the 4th quadrant. Example#3- The given degrees are 300. Find the reference angle. We will minus 300 ° from 360 °. We will be working off of 60 °.

Every angle has a reference angle which is an acute (greater than zero and less than ninety degrees). They can be measured in degrees or radians. They are the smallest angle between your x-axis and the terminal side. We often use these to define different parts of right triangles. These worksheets explains how to find the missing value of a reference angle in a triangle. Your students will calculate interior and exterior angles of given triangles using formulas for tangents, sin, secants, and more. Students should already be familiar with when/how to apply these formulas and calculations.

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Reference Angles and Triangles Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the missing value of a reference angle in a triangle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice questions are provided.


Students will find the values indicated. Ten questions are provided.

Practice Worksheet

Students will find the values over a series of questions. Example: The value of tan 235 ° is equal to ? Ten questions are provided.

Review and Practice

This worksheet review how to find the missing value using reference angles of triangles. Six practice questions are provided.

Skill Quiz

Students will demonstrate their proficiency with determining the values of unknowns by using reference angles. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will find the three values indicated. Space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.

Angles of a Triangle Lesson

This worksheet explains how to find the measure of given angles of a triangle. A sample problem is solved, and two practice questions are provided.


Students will find the measure of the angles as indicated from the questions. Ten questions are provided.


Students will find the value of the angles indicated. Ten questions are provided.

Review and Practice

This worksheet reviews how to find the value of an angle of a triangle. Six practice questions are provided.


Students will demonstrate their proficiency with this skill. Ten problems are provided.

Skills Check

Students will draw the quadrilateral and answer the questions. Three questions are provided, and space is included for students to copy the correct answer when given.