These worksheets teach your students how to balance equations with inequalities using addition and subtraction.

When you are presented with an inequality that you are evaluating it is good to remember that if you subtract or add the same number from both sides of the inequality, the truth value does not change at all. You can easily rearrange the inequality to get closer to determining a solution for the inequality. The lessons found below with help you understand the process of forming a solution pretty quickly.

Tips for Solving These Types of Inequalities - We all know what expressions are in mathematics. These combine constants, variables, and arithmetic operations. Add an equals-to sign, and you get an equation. Then there are inequalities where the equals-to sign is replaced by an inequality sign such as "greater than," "less than," "greater-than-equal-to," and "less-than-or-equal-to." So, how do we solve inequalities? We can solve inequalities using addition and subtraction. How? Let us see. For this, you need to know the addition and subtraction properties. Addition Properties - If a > b , then a + c > b + c. If a < b, then a + c< b + c. If a ≥ b, then a + c ≥ b + c. If a≤b, then a + c ≤ b + c. Subtraction Properties - If a > b, then a - c > b - c. If a < b, then a - c < b- c. If a ≥ b, then a - c ≥ b - c. If a ≤ b, then a - c ≤ b - c. The first step, in this case, is to isolate the variable, and you can do that by applying the addition or subtraction inequalities. Make isolation of the variable your ultimate goal, and things will get easy for you. These worksheets explain how to balance equations with inequalities using addition and subtraction. While mechanics of the operations are covered, students should already be somewhat familiar with the subject matter.

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Solving Inequalities by Adding and Subtracting Lesson

Adding or subtracting the same number from each side of an inequality does not change the truth of the inequality.

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Lesson and Practice

For all numbers a, b, and c: 1. If a > b, then a + c > b + c and a – c > b – c. 2. If a < b, then a + c < b + c and a – c < b – c.


Students will solve each inequality by adding and subtracting. Ten problems are provided.


Students will solve inequalities by using basic operations. Ten problems are provided.


You will put your skills to work and see how you do with this skill.

Warm Up

Students demonstrate skill in solving inequalities by adding and subtracting. Three problems are provided.


This lesson focuses on rewriting these expressions to solve for a wide array of variables.

Lesson and Practice

The solution is marked on the number by an arrow and a circle. If any particular point is included in the solution then a filled circle is shown else an outlines circle. The arrow represents the direction where the solution proceeds. The solution which includes a range can be shown by a fixed line.


Work through each of the different inequalities by what ever means necessary. Ten problems are provided.


Solve the inequalities and graph the solution set.


Describe why the statement is either true or false?

Warm Up

Complete statements such as: If s is not equal to t, and s is not less than t, then s ___ t

Solving Inequalities Lesson

To solve the inequality we will take a ruler on which positive 'X' axis and negative 'X' axis are marked.

Lesson and Practice

Students will review and practice how to solve inequalities using a number line as a visual aid. A sample problem is solved and two practice problems are provided.

Solving Inequalities Worksheet

The above expression shows that the inequality is not true.


For given inequality, state whether it is true or false if s = -3 and s = 4.


Solve each inequality by adding/subtracting.

Solving Inequalities On Number Lines

The number line shows a solution set to some inequality. Which inequality has that solution set? (Hint: try if various values from the solution set make the inequality true.)

Basic Skills Worksheet

Students will use basic skills to solve these inequalities. Ten problems are provided.

Basic Skills Practice

Why would you put the problems in the review section.

Intermediate Skills Worksheet

Students will solve these intermediate-level inequalities. Eight problems are provided.

Intermediate Skills Practice

Get one more chance to get these skills on lock down.

Solving Inequalities Adding and Subtracting: Intermediate Skills Drill

Students will gain proficiency in solving inequalities in these intermediate-level problems. Ten problems are provided.