These worksheets teach your beginning students how to identify negative integers using a number line.

When we introduce the concept of negative integers the best place to start is with a number line. This provides students with a clear and concrete picture of what is going on. Students know that as you move to the right on a number line the value becomes greater (more positive). As you move to the left on number line the value decreases (more negative). They just have to buy into the concept that negative values are less than zero and it is all downhill from there.

Does this happen that every time you start doing a math question, you feel stuck and don't know how to proceed with the question? And is that often coming in between your practice questions, you are stuck in exams as well? But you don't have to worry about it. There are lots of ways that can be used to make questions relatively easier for you to understand. One of the most useful tools that can be used for solving these problems is the number line. If you don't know what it is, then here is a very simple definition that will help you understand what a number line is. When a series of a number is placed on a line starting from the smallest to the largest number, the series is known as number line. The starting point of the number line doesn't always have to be a zero; it can begin with a small number, but the series of number lines always have to be in order. Now that you know what a number line is let's take a look at how you can place positive and negative values on the number line. Start by making a scale and make the midpoint zero. On the left of zero, the numbers that you place will be negative, while the numbers you place on the right will be displayed positive. Start from the smallest and keep placing the numbers one by one, in order. Your students will use these activity sheets to learn how to use a number line to identify negative integers (or positive integers that are to the left of given examples).

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Negative Numbers On A Numbers Line Worksheets

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Negative Integers on a Number Line Lesson

Which value does point P best represent on the number line? 0, 5, 10, 15. The values to the right of the origin are positive integers; the numbers to the left of the origin are negative values.

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Lesson and Practice

Students will use number lines to identify negative numbers. Find the difference between any two consecutive integers given on the number line.


Which number does point P best represent on the number line?


Students will use a number line to identify negative numbers and visualize them for their audience.

Skill Drill

Students will practice interpreting the value of a series of integers that are placed on a number line. Eight problems are provided.

Warm Up

Students demonstrate skill identifying negative and positive integers on numbers line environment. Three problems are provided.